v / .github / workflows
Raw file | 18 loc (16 sloc) | 712 bytes | Latest commit hash 066dd023d
1name: Cancel previous workflows
4 workflow_run:
5 workflows: ["Code CI"]
6 types:
7 - requested
10 cancel-previous-workflows:
11 runs-on: ubuntu-latest
12 steps:
13 - uses: spaceface777/[email protected]
14 # don't cancel CI for commits pushed to vlang/v#master (if ci is still too slow, this can be removed safely)
15 if: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_repository.full_name != 'vlang/v' || github.event.workflow_run.head_branch != 'master' }}
16 with:
17 # workflow ids for `Code CI` and `Sanitized CI` (from https://api.github.com/repos/vlang/v/actions/workflows):
18 workflow_id: 4577,7940868 # the other workflows finish quickly - no need to skip them