v / .github / workflows
Raw file | 107 loc (99 sloc) | 3.14 KB | Latest commit hash e5ff2ab45
1name: Path Testing CI
4 push:
5 paths-ignore:
6 - "**.md"
7 pull_request:
8 paths-ignore:
9 - "**.md"
12 group: build-paths-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }}
13 cancel-in-progress: true
17 space-paths-linux:
18 runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
19 if: github.event_name != 'push' || github.event.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.event.repository.full_name != 'vlang/v'
20 timeout-minutes: 30
21 env:
22 MY_V_PATH: '你好 my $path, @с интервали'
23 steps:
24 - uses: actions/checkout@v3
25 with:
26 path: ${{env.MY_V_PATH}}
27 - name: Build V
28 run: |
29 echo '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
30 ls -la
31 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
32 ls -la
33 make
34 - name: v doctor
35 run: |
36 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
37 ./v doctor
38 - name: v tests
39 run: |
40 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
41 ./v test vlib/builtin vlib/os
43 space-paths-macos:
44 runs-on: macOS-latest
45 if: github.event_name != 'push' || github.event.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.event.repository.full_name != 'vlang/v'
46 timeout-minutes: 30
47 env:
48 MY_V_PATH: '你好 my $path, @с интервали'
49 steps:
50 - uses: actions/checkout@v3
51 with:
52 path: ${{env.MY_V_PATH}}
53 - name: Build V
54 run: |
55 echo '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
56 ls -la
57 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
58 ls -la
59 make
60 ## prebuild cmd/tools/builders/js_builder, to minimise the
61 ## chances of a sporadic "Killed" when running the tests later
62 ./v -b js run examples/hello_world.v
63 - name: v doctor
64 run: |
65 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
66 ./v doctor
67 - name: v tests
68 run: |
69 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
70 ./v test vlib/builtin vlib/os
72 space-paths-windows:
73 runs-on: windows-2022
74 if: github.event_name != 'push' || github.event.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || github.event.repository.full_name != 'vlang/v'
75 timeout-minutes: 30
76 env:
77 MY_V_PATH: 'path with some $punctuation, and some spaces'
79 ## NB: the following paths do not work for now:
80 ##### MY_V_PATH: '你好 my $path, @с интервали'
81 ##### MY_V_PATH: 'path with some $punctuation, and some spaces '
82 ## tcc has a problem interpreting paths with non latin letters in them,
83 ## by default, but that can be solved with passing -Bthirdparty/tcc
84 ## but after that V fails self building with:
85 ####### builder error: cannot write to folder
86 ####### D:\a\v\v\你好 my $path, @с интервали: No such file or directory
87 ## and that happens even for gcc builds, not just tcc ones
89 steps:
90 - uses: actions/checkout@v3
91 with:
92 path: ${{env.MY_V_PATH}}
93 - name: Build V
94 run: |
95 echo '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
96 dir
97 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
98 dir
99 .\make.bat -tcc
100 - name: v doctor
101 run: |
102 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
103 ./v doctor
104 - name: v tests
105 run: |
106 cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}'
107 ./v test vlib/builtin vlib/os