v / cmd / tools
Raw file | 379 loc (361 sloc) | 11.09 KB | Latest commit hash 017ace6ea
1module main
3import os
4import flag
5import time
6import term
7import math
8import scripting
10struct CmdResult {
12 runs int
13 cmd string
14 icmd int
15 outputs []string
16 oms map[string][]int
17 summary map[string]Aints
18 timings []int
19 atiming Aints
22struct Context {
24 count int
25 series int
26 warmup int
27 show_help bool
28 show_output bool
29 use_newline bool // use \n instead of \r, so the last line is not overwritten
30 fail_on_regress_percent int
31 fail_on_maxtime int // in ms
32 verbose bool
33 commands []string
34 results []CmdResult
35 cmd_template string // {T} will be substituted with the current command
36 cmd_params map[string][]string
37 cline string // a terminal clearing line
38 cgoback string
39 nmins int // number of minimums to discard
40 nmaxs int // number of maximums to discard
44fn (mut result CmdResult) free() {
45 unsafe {
46 result.cmd.free()
47 result.outputs.free()
48 result.oms.free()
49 result.summary.free()
50 result.timings.free()
51 result.atiming.free()
52 }
56fn (mut context Context) free() {
57 unsafe {
58 context.commands.free()
59 context.results.free()
60 context.cmd_template.free()
61 context.cmd_params.free()
62 context.cline.free()
63 context.cgoback.free()
64 }
67struct Aints {
68 values []int
70 imin int
71 imax int
72 average f64
73 stddev f64
74 nmins int // number of discarded fastest results
75 nmaxs int // number of discarded slowest results
79fn (mut a Aints) free() {
80 unsafe { a.values.free() }
83fn new_aints(ovals []int, extreme_mins int, extreme_maxs int) Aints {
84 mut res := Aints{
85 values: ovals // remember the original values
86 nmins: extreme_mins
87 nmaxs: extreme_maxs
88 }
89 mut sum := i64(0)
90 mut imin := math.max_i32
91 mut imax := -math.max_i32
92 // discard the extremes:
93 mut vals := []int{}
94 for x in ovals {
95 vals << x
96 }
97 vals.sort()
98 if vals.len > extreme_mins + extreme_maxs {
99 vals = vals[extreme_mins..vals.len - extreme_maxs].clone()
100 } else {
101 vals = []
102 }
103 // statistical processing of the remaining values:
104 for i in vals {
105 sum += i
106 if i < imin {
107 imin = i
108 }
109 if i > imax {
110 imax = i
111 }
112 }
113 res.imin = imin
114 res.imax = imax
115 if vals.len > 0 {
116 res.average = sum / f64(vals.len)
117 }
118 //
119 mut devsum := f64(0.0)
120 for i in vals {
121 x := f64(i) - res.average
122 devsum += (x * x)
123 }
124 res.stddev = math.sqrt(devsum / f64(vals.len))
125 // eprintln('\novals: $ovals\n vals: $vals\n vals.len: $vals.len | res.imin: $res.imin | res.imax: $res.imax | res.average: $res.average | res.stddev: $res.stddev')
126 return res
129fn bold(s string) string {
130 return term.colorize(term.bold, s)
133fn (a Aints) str() string {
134 return bold('${a.average:6.2f}') +
135 'ms ± σ: ${a.stddev:4.1f}ms, min: ${a.imin:4}ms, max: ${a.imax:4}ms, runs:${a.values.len:3}, nmins:${a.nmins:2}, nmaxs:${a.nmaxs:2}'
138const (
139 max_fail_percent = 100 * 1000
140 max_time = 60 * 1000 // ms
141 performance_regression_label = 'Performance regression detected, failing since '
144fn main() {
145 mut context := Context{}
146 context.parse_options()!
147 context.run()
148 context.show_diff_summary()
151fn (mut context Context) parse_options() ! {
152 mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args)
153 fp.application(os.file_name(os.executable()))
154 fp.version('0.0.1')
155 fp.description('Repeat command(s) and collect statistics. Note: you have to quote each command, if it contains spaces.')
156 fp.arguments_description('CMD1 CMD2 ...')
157 fp.skip_executable()
158 fp.limit_free_args_to_at_least(1)!
159 context.count = fp.int('count', `c`, 10, 'Repetition count.')
160 context.series = fp.int('series', `s`, 2, 'Series count. `-s 2 -c 4 a b` => aaaabbbbaaaabbbb, while `-s 3 -c 2 a b` => aabbaabbaabb.')
161 context.warmup = fp.int('warmup', `w`, 2, 'Warmup runs. These are done *only at the start*, and are ignored.')
162 context.show_help = fp.bool('help', `h`, false, 'Show this help screen.')
163 context.use_newline = fp.bool('newline', `n`, false, 'Use \\n, do not overwrite the last line. Produces more output, but easier to diagnose.')
164 context.show_output = fp.bool('output', `O`, false, 'Show command stdout/stderr in the progress indicator for each command. Note: slower, for verbose commands.')
165 context.verbose = fp.bool('verbose', `v`, false, 'Be more verbose.')
166 context.fail_on_maxtime = fp.int('max_time', `m`, max_time, 'Fail with exit code 2, when first cmd takes above M milliseconds (regression).')
167 context.fail_on_regress_percent = fp.int('fail_percent', `f`, max_fail_percent, 'Fail with exit code 3, when first cmd is X% slower than the rest (regression).')
168 context.cmd_template = fp.string('template', `t`, '{T}', 'Command template. {T} will be substituted with the current command.')
169 cmd_params := fp.string_multi('parameter', `p`, 'A parameter substitution list. `{p}=val1,val2,val2` means that {p} in the template, will be substituted with each of val1, val2, val3.')
170 context.nmins = fp.int('nmins', `i`, 0, 'Ignore the BOTTOM X results (minimum execution time). Makes the results more robust to performance flukes.')
171 context.nmaxs = fp.int('nmaxs', `a`, 1, 'Ignore the TOP X results (maximum execution time). Makes the results more robust to performance flukes.')
172 for p in cmd_params {
173 parts := p.split(':')
174 if parts.len > 1 {
175 context.cmd_params[parts[0]] = parts[1].split(',')
176 }
177 }
178 if context.show_help {
179 println(fp.usage())
180 exit(0)
181 }
182 if context.verbose {
183 scripting.set_verbose(true)
184 }
185 commands := fp.finalize() or {
186 eprintln('Error: ${err}')
187 exit(1)
188 }
189 context.commands = context.expand_all_commands(commands)
190 context.results = []CmdResult{len: context.commands.len, cap: 20, init: CmdResult{
191 outputs: []string{cap: 500}
192 timings: []int{cap: 500}
193 }}
194 if context.use_newline {
195 context.cline = '\n'
196 context.cgoback = '\n'
197 } else {
198 context.cline = '\r' + term.h_divider('')
199 context.cgoback = '\r'
200 }
203fn flushed_print(s string) {
204 print(s)
205 flush_stdout()
208fn (mut context Context) clear_line() {
209 flushed_print(context.cline)
212fn (mut context Context) expand_all_commands(commands []string) []string {
213 mut all_commands := []string{}
214 for cmd in commands {
215 maincmd := context.cmd_template.replace('{T}', cmd)
216 mut substituted_commands := []string{}
217 substituted_commands << maincmd
218 for paramk, paramlist in context.cmd_params {
219 for paramv in paramlist {
220 mut new_substituted_commands := []string{}
221 for cscmd in substituted_commands {
222 scmd := cscmd.replace(paramk, paramv)
223 new_substituted_commands << scmd
224 }
225 for sc in new_substituted_commands {
226 substituted_commands << sc
227 }
228 }
229 }
230 for sc in substituted_commands {
231 all_commands << sc
232 }
233 }
234 mut unique := map[string]int{}
235 for x in all_commands {
236 if x.contains('{') && x.contains('}') {
237 continue
238 }
239 unique[x] = 1
240 }
241 return unique.keys()
244fn (mut context Context) run() {
245 mut run_warmups := 0
246 for si in 1 .. context.series + 1 {
247 for icmd, cmd in context.commands {
248 mut runs := 0
249 mut duration := 0
250 mut sum := 0
251 mut oldres := ''
252 println('Series: ${si:4}/${context.series:-4}, command: ${cmd}')
253 if context.warmup > 0 && run_warmups < context.commands.len {
254 for i in 1 .. context.warmup + 1 {
255 flushed_print('${context.cgoback}warming up run: ${i:4}/${context.warmup:-4} for ${cmd:-50s} took ${duration:6} ms ...')
256 mut sw := time.new_stopwatch()
257 res := os.execute(cmd)
258 if res.exit_code != 0 {
259 continue
260 }
261 duration = int(sw.elapsed().milliseconds())
262 }
263 run_warmups++
264 }
265 context.clear_line()
266 for i in 1 .. (context.count + 1) {
267 avg := f64(sum) / f64(i)
268 flushed_print('${context.cgoback}Average: ${avg:9.3f}ms | run: ${i:4}/${context.count:-4} | took ${duration:6} ms')
269 if context.show_output {
270 flushed_print(' | result: ${oldres:s}')
271 }
272 mut sw := time.new_stopwatch()
273 res := scripting.exec(cmd) or { continue }
274 duration = int(sw.elapsed().milliseconds())
275 if res.exit_code != 0 {
276 eprintln('${i:10} non 0 exit code for cmd: ${cmd}')
277 continue
278 }
279 trimed_output := res.output.trim_right('\r\n')
280 trimed_normalized := trimed_output.replace('\r\n', '\n')
281 lines := trimed_normalized.split('\n')
282 for line in lines {
283 context.results[icmd].outputs << line
284 }
285 context.results[icmd].timings << duration
286 sum += duration
287 runs++
288 oldres = res.output.replace('\n', ' ')
289 }
290 context.results[icmd].cmd = cmd
291 context.results[icmd].icmd = icmd
292 context.results[icmd].runs += runs
293 context.results[icmd].atiming = new_aints(context.results[icmd].timings, context.nmins,
294 context.nmaxs)
295 context.clear_line()
296 flushed_print(context.cgoback)
297 mut m := map[string][]int{}
298 ioutputs := context.results[icmd].outputs
299 for o in ioutputs {
300 x := o.split(':')
301 if x.len > 1 {
302 k := x[0]
303 v := x[1].trim_left(' ').int()
304 m[k] << v
305 }
306 }
307 mut summary := map[string]Aints{}
308 for k, v in m {
309 // show a temporary summary for the current series/cmd cycle
310 s := new_aints(v, context.nmins, context.nmaxs)
311 println(' ${k}: ${s}')
312 summary[k] = s
313 }
314 // merge current raw results to the previous ones
315 old_oms := context.results[icmd].oms.move()
316 mut new_oms := map[string][]int{}
317 for k, v in m {
318 if old_oms[k].len == 0 {
319 new_oms[k] = v
320 } else {
321 new_oms[k] << old_oms[k]
322 new_oms[k] << v
323 }
324 }
325 context.results[icmd].oms = new_oms.move()
326 // println('')
327 }
328 }
329 // create full summaries, taking account of all runs
330 for icmd in 0 .. context.results.len {
331 mut new_full_summary := map[string]Aints{}
332 for k, v in context.results[icmd].oms {
333 new_full_summary[k] = new_aints(v, context.nmins, context.nmaxs)
334 }
335 context.results[icmd].summary = new_full_summary.move()
336 }
339fn (mut context Context) show_diff_summary() {
340 context.results.sort_with_compare(fn (a &CmdResult, b &CmdResult) int {
341 if a.atiming.average < b.atiming.average {
342 return -1
343 }
344 if a.atiming.average > b.atiming.average {
345 return 1
346 }
347 return 0
348 })
349 println('Summary (commands are ordered by ascending mean time), after ${context.series} series of ${context.count} repetitions:')
350 base := context.results[0].atiming.average
351 mut first_cmd_percentage := f64(100.0)
352 mut first_marker := ''
353 for i, r in context.results {
354 first_marker = ' '
355 cpercent := (r.atiming.average / base) * 100 - 100
356 if r.icmd == 0 {
357 first_marker = bold('>')
358 first_cmd_percentage = cpercent
359 }
360 println(' ${first_marker}${(i + 1):3} | ${cpercent:5.1f}% slower | ${r.cmd:-57s} | ${r.atiming}')
361 }
362 $if debugcontext ? {
363 println('context: ${context}')
364 }
365 if int(base) > context.fail_on_maxtime {
366 flushed_print(performance_regression_label)
367 println('average time: ${base:6.1f} ms > ${context.fail_on_maxtime} ms threshold.')
368 exit(2)
369 }
370 if context.fail_on_regress_percent == max_fail_percent || context.results.len < 2 {
371 return
372 }
373 fail_threshold_max := f64(context.fail_on_regress_percent)
374 if first_cmd_percentage > fail_threshold_max {
375 flushed_print(performance_regression_label)
376 println('${first_cmd_percentage:5.1f}% > ${fail_threshold_max:5.1f}% threshold.')
377 exit(3)
378 }