v / cmd / tools
Raw file | 110 loc (96 sloc) | 2.93 KB | Latest commit hash 017ace6ea
1module main
3import os
4import os.cmdline
5import v.util.recompilation
7const is_debug = os.args.contains('-debug')
9// support a renamed `v` executable too:
10const vexe = os.getenv_opt('VEXE') or { @VEXE }
12const vroot = os.dir(vexe)
14fn main() {
15 // make testing `v up` easier, by providing a way to force `v self` to fail,
16 // to test the fallback logic:
17 if os.getenv('VSELF_SHOULD_FAIL') != '' {
18 eprintln('v self failed')
19 exit(1)
20 }
21 vexe_name := os.file_name(vexe)
22 short_v_name := vexe_name.all_before('.')
23 //
24 recompilation.must_be_enabled(vroot, 'Please install V from source, to use `${vexe_name} self` .')
25 os.chdir(vroot)!
26 os.setenv('VCOLORS', 'always', true)
27 mut args := os.args[1..].filter(it != 'self')
28 if args.len == 0 || ('-cc' !in args && '-prod' !in args) {
29 // compiling by default, i.e. `v self`:
30 uos := os.user_os()
31 uname := os.uname()
32 if uos == 'macos' && uname.machine == 'arm64' {
33 // Apple silicon, like m1, m2 etc
34 // Use tcc by default for V, since tinycc is much faster and also
35 // it already supports compiling many programs like V itself, that do not depend on inlined objective-C code
36 args << '-cc tcc'
37 }
38 }
39 jargs := args.join(' ')
40 obinary := cmdline.option(args, '-o', '')
41 sargs := if obinary != '' { jargs } else { '${jargs} -o v2' }
42 cmd := '${os.quoted_path(vexe)} ${sargs} ${os.quoted_path('cmd/v')}'
43 options := if args.len > 0 { '(${sargs})' } else { '' }
44 println('V self compiling ${options}...')
45 compile(vroot, cmd)
46 if obinary != '' {
47 // When -o was given, there is no need to backup/rename the original.
48 // The user just wants an independent copy of v, and so we are done.
49 return
50 }
51 backup_old_version_and_rename_newer(short_v_name) or { panic(err.msg()) }
52 println('V built successfully as executable "${vexe_name}".')
55fn compile(vroot string, cmd string) {
56 result := os.execute_or_exit(cmd)
57 if result.exit_code != 0 {
58 eprintln('cannot compile to `${vroot}`: \n${result.output}')
59 exit(1)
60 }
61 if result.output.len > 0 {
62 println(result.output.trim_space())
63 }
66fn list_folder(short_v_name string, bmessage string, message string) {
67 if !is_debug {
68 return
69 }
70 if bmessage != '' {
71 println(bmessage)
72 }
73 if os.user_os() == 'windows' {
74 os.system('dir ${short_v_name}*.exe')
75 } else {
76 os.system('ls -lartd ${short_v_name}*')
77 }
78 println(message)
81fn backup_old_version_and_rename_newer(short_v_name string) !bool {
82 mut errors := []string{}
83 short_v_file := if os.user_os() == 'windows' { '${short_v_name}.exe' } else { '${short_v_name}' }
84 short_v2_file := if os.user_os() == 'windows' { 'v2.exe' } else { 'v2' }
85 short_bak_file := if os.user_os() == 'windows' { 'v_old.exe' } else { 'v_old' }
86 v_file := os.real_path(short_v_file)
87 v2_file := os.real_path(short_v2_file)
88 bak_file := os.real_path(short_bak_file)
90 list_folder(short_v_name, 'before:', 'removing ${bak_file} ...')
91 if os.exists(bak_file) {
92 os.rm(bak_file) or { errors << 'failed removing ${bak_file}: ${err.msg()}' }
93 }
95 list_folder(short_v_name, '', 'moving ${v_file} to ${bak_file} ...')
96 os.mv(v_file, bak_file) or { errors << err.msg() }
98 list_folder(short_v_name, '', 'removing ${v_file} ...')
99 os.rm(v_file) or {}
101 list_folder(short_v_name, '', 'moving ${v2_file} to ${v_file} ...')
102 os.mv_by_cp(v2_file, v_file) or { panic(err.msg()) }
104 list_folder(short_v_name, 'after:', '')
106 if errors.len > 0 {
107 eprintln('backup errors:\n >> ' + errors.join('\n >> '))
108 }
109 return true