v / cmd / v
Raw file | 199 loc (192 sloc) | 5.15 KB | Latest commit hash 10261c427
1// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
3// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4module main
6import os
7import term
8import v.help
9import v.pref
10import v.util
11import v.util.version
12import v.builder
13import v.builder.cbuilder
15const (
16 external_tools = [
17 'ast',
18 'bin2v',
19 'bug',
20 'build-examples',
21 'build-tools',
22 'build-vbinaries',
23 'bump',
24 'check-md',
25 'complete',
26 'compress',
27 'doc',
28 'doctor',
29 'fmt',
30 'gret',
31 'ls',
32 'missdoc',
33 'repl',
34 'self',
35 'setup-freetype',
36 'shader',
37 'share',
38 'should-compile-all',
39 'symlink',
40 'scan',
41 'test',
42 'test-all', // runs most of the tests and other checking tools, that will be run by the CI
43 'test-cleancode',
44 'test-fmt',
45 'test-parser',
46 'test-self',
47 'tracev',
48 'up',
49 'vet',
50 'wipe-cache',
51 'watch',
52 'where',
53 ]
54 list_of_flags_that_allow_duplicates = ['cc', 'd', 'define', 'cf', 'cflags']
57fn main() {
58 mut timers_should_print := false
59 $if time_v ? {
60 timers_should_print = true
61 }
62 mut timers := util.new_timers(should_print: timers_should_print, label: 'main')
63 timers.start('v total')
64 defer {
65 timers.show('v total')
66 }
67 timers.start('v start')
68 timers.show('v start')
69 timers.start('parse_CLI_args')
70 args := os.args[1..]
72 if args.len == 0 || args[0] in ['-', 'repl'] {
73 if args.len == 0 {
74 // Running `./v` without args launches repl
75 if os.is_atty(0) == 0 {
76 mut args_and_flags := util.join_env_vflags_and_os_args()[1..].clone()
77 args_and_flags << ['run', '-']
78 pref.parse_args_and_show_errors(external_tools, args_and_flags, true)
79 }
80 }
81 util.launch_tool(false, 'vrepl', os.args[1..])
82 return
83 }
84 mut args_and_flags := util.join_env_vflags_and_os_args()[1..]
85 prefs, command := pref.parse_args_and_show_errors(external_tools, args_and_flags,
86 true)
87 if prefs.use_cache && os.user_os() == 'windows' {
88 eprintln('-usecache is currently disabled on windows')
89 exit(1)
90 }
91 timers.show('parse_CLI_args')
92 // Start calling the correct functions/external tools
93 // Note for future contributors: Please add new subcommands in the `match` block below.
94 if command in external_tools {
95 // External tools
96 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'v' + command, os.args[1..])
97 return
98 }
99 match command {
100 'run', 'crun', 'build', 'build-module' {
101 rebuild(prefs)
102 return
103 }
104 'help' {
105 invoke_help_and_exit(args)
106 }
107 'version' {
108 println(version.full_v_version(prefs.is_verbose))
109 return
110 }
111 'new', 'init' {
112 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'vcreate', os.args[1..])
113 return
114 }
115 'install', 'list', 'outdated', 'remove', 'search', 'show', 'update', 'upgrade' {
116 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'vpm', os.args[1..])
117 return
118 }
119 'vlib-docs' {
120 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'vdoc', ['doc', 'vlib'])
121 }
122 'interpret' {
123 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'builders/interpret_builder', os.args[1..])
124 }
125 'get' {
126 eprintln('V Error: Use `v install` to install modules from vpm.vlang.io')
127 exit(1)
128 }
129 'translate' {
130 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'translate', os.args[1..])
131 // exit(1)
132 // return
133 }
134 else {
135 if command.ends_with('.v') || os.exists(command) {
136 // println('command')
137 // println(prefs.path)
138 rebuild(prefs)
139 return
140 }
141 }
142 }
143 if prefs.is_help {
144 invoke_help_and_exit(args)
145 }
147 other_commands := ['run', 'crun', 'build', 'build-module', 'help', 'version', 'new', 'init',
148 'install', 'list', 'outdated', 'remove', 'search', 'show', 'update', 'upgrade', 'vlib-docs',
149 'interpret', 'translate']
150 mut all_commands := []string{}
151 all_commands << external_tools
152 all_commands << other_commands
153 all_commands.sort()
154 eprintln(util.new_suggestion(command, all_commands).say('v: unknown command `${command}`'))
155 eprintln('Run ${term.highlight_command('v help')} for usage.')
156 exit(1)
159fn invoke_help_and_exit(remaining []string) {
160 match remaining.len {
161 0, 1 { help.print_and_exit('default') }
162 2 { help.print_and_exit(remaining[1]) }
163 else {}
164 }
165 eprintln('${term.highlight_command('v help')}: provide only one help topic.')
166 eprintln('For usage information, use ${term.highlight_command('v help')}.')
167 exit(1)
170fn rebuild(prefs &pref.Preferences) {
171 match prefs.backend {
172 .c {
173 $if no_bootstrapv ? {
174 // TODO: improve the bootstrapping with a split C backend here.
175 // C code generated by `VEXE=v cmd/tools/builders/c_builder -os cross -o c.c cmd/tools/builders/c_builder.v`
176 // is enough to bootstrap the C backend, and thus the rest, but currently bootstrapping relies on
177 // `v -os cross -o v.c cmd/v` having a functional C codegen inside instead.
178 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'builders/c_builder', os.args[1..])
179 }
180 builder.compile('build', prefs, cbuilder.compile_c)
181 }
182 .js_node, .js_freestanding, .js_browser {
183 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'builders/js_builder', os.args[1..])
184 }
185 .native {
186 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'builders/native_builder', os.args[1..])
187 }
188 .interpret {
189 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'builders/interpret_builder', os.args[1..])
190 }
191 .golang {
192 println('using Go WIP backend...')
193 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'builders/golang_builder', os.args[1..])
194 }
195 .wasm {
196 util.launch_tool(prefs.is_verbose, 'builders/wasm_builder', os.args[1..])
197 }
198 }