v / examples
Raw file | 30 loc (27 sloc) | 703 bytes | Latest commit hash 017ace6ea
1import log
3fn main() {
4 // Note: you *do not* need to create a logger instance, and pass it around, just to use the `log` module.
5 // The log module already creates an instance of a thread safe Logger, and utility functions to work with it:
6 log.set_level(.debug)
7 log.debug('simple debug message')
8 log.warn('simple warning message')
9 log.info('simple information message')
10 log.error('simple error message')
12 mut l := log.Log{}
13 l.set_level(.info)
14 // Make a new file called info.log in the current folder
15 l.set_full_logpath('./info.log')
16 l.log_to_console_too()
17 println('Please check the file: ${l.output_file_name} after this example crashes.')
19 l.info('info')
20 l.warn('warn')
21 l.error('error')
22 l.debug('no output for debug')
23 l.set_level(.debug)
24 l.debug('debug now')
25 l.set_level(log.level_from_tag('INFO') or { log.Level.disabled }) // set level from string, sample
26 l.info('info again')
27 l.set_level(log.level_from_tag('') or { log.Level.disabled }) // set level from string, sample
28 l.error('no output anymore')
29 l.fatal('fatal') // panic, next statements won't be executed