v / examples / sokol
Raw file | 166 loc (159 sloc) | 4.25 KB | Latest commit hash 868908b80
1import sokol
2import sokol.sapp
3import sokol.gfx
4import sokol.sgl
5import fontstash
6import sokol.sfons
7import os
9struct AppState {
11 pass_action gfx.PassAction
12 font_context &fontstash.Context
13 font_normal int
16fn main() {
17 mut color_action := gfx.ColorAttachmentAction{
18 action: .clear
19 value: gfx.Color{
20 r: 0.3
21 g: 0.3
22 b: 0.32
23 a: 1.0
24 }
25 }
26 mut pass_action := gfx.PassAction{}
27 pass_action.colors[0] = color_action
28 state := &AppState{
29 pass_action: pass_action
30 font_context: unsafe { nil } // &fontstash.Context(0)
31 }
32 title := 'V Metal/GL Text Rendering'
33 desc := sapp.Desc{
34 user_data: state
35 init_userdata_cb: init
36 frame_userdata_cb: frame
37 window_title: title.str
38 html5_canvas_name: title.str
39 }
40 sapp.run(&desc)
43fn init(mut state AppState) {
44 desc := sapp.create_desc()
45 gfx.setup(&desc)
46 s := &sgl.Desc{}
47 sgl.setup(s)
48 state.font_context = sfons.create(512, 512, 1)
49 // or use DroidSerif-Regular.ttf
50 if bytes := os.read_bytes(os.resource_abs_path(os.join_path('..', 'assets', 'fonts',
51 'RobotoMono-Regular.ttf')))
52 {
53 println('loaded font: ${bytes.len}')
54 state.font_normal = state.font_context.add_font_mem('sans', bytes, false)
55 }
58fn frame(mut state AppState) {
59 state.render_font()
60 gfx.begin_default_pass(&state.pass_action, sapp.width(), sapp.height())
61 sgl.draw()
62 gfx.end_pass()
63 gfx.commit()
66fn (state &AppState) render_font() {
67 mut sx := f32(0.0)
68 mut sy := f32(0.0)
69 mut dx := f32(0.0)
70 mut dy := f32(0.0)
71 lh := f32(0.0)
72 white := sfons.rgba(255, 255, 255, 255)
73 black := sfons.rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)
74 brown := sfons.rgba(192, 128, 0, 128)
75 blue := sfons.rgba(0, 192, 255, 255)
77 font_context := state.font_context
78 font_context.clear_state()
79 sgl.defaults()
80 sgl.matrix_mode_projection()
81 sgl.ortho(0.0, f32(sapp.width()), f32(sapp.height()), 0.0, -1.0, 1.0)
82 sx = 0
83 sy = 50
84 dx = sx
85 dy = sy
86 font_context.set_font(state.font_normal)
87 font_context.set_size(100.0)
88 ascender := f32(0.0)
89 descender := f32(0.0)
90 font_context.vert_metrics(&ascender, &descender, &lh)
91 dx = sx
92 dy += lh
93 font_context.set_color(white)
94 dx = font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'The quick ')
95 font_context.set_font(state.font_normal)
96 font_context.set_size(48.0)
97 font_context.set_color(brown)
98 dx = font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'brown ')
99 font_context.set_font(state.font_normal)
100 font_context.set_size(24.0)
101 font_context.set_color(white)
102 dx = font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'fox ')
103 dx = sx
104 dy += lh * 1.2
105 font_context.set_size(20.0)
106 font_context.set_font(state.font_normal)
107 font_context.set_color(blue)
108 font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.')
109 dx = 300
110 dy = 350
111 font_context.set_alignment(.left | .baseline)
112 font_context.set_size(60.0)
113 font_context.set_font(state.font_normal)
114 font_context.set_color(white)
115 font_context.set_spacing(5.0)
116 font_context.set_blur(6.0)
117 font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Blurry...')
118 dx = 300
119 dy += 50.0
120 font_context.set_size(28.0)
121 font_context.set_font(state.font_normal)
122 font_context.set_color(white)
123 font_context.set_spacing(0.0)
124 font_context.set_blur(3.0)
125 font_context.draw_text(dx, dy + 2, 'DROP SHADOW')
126 font_context.set_color(black)
127 font_context.set_blur(0)
128 font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'DROP SHADOW')
129 font_context.set_size(18.0)
130 font_context.set_font(state.font_normal)
131 font_context.set_color(white)
132 dx = 50
133 dy = 350
134 line(f32(dx - 10), f32(dy), f32(dx + 250), f32(dy))
135 font_context.set_alignment(.left | .top)
136 dx = font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Top')
137 dx += 10
138 font_context.set_alignment(.left | .middle)
139 dx = font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Middle')
140 dx += 10
141 font_context.set_alignment(.left | .baseline)
142 dx = font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Baseline')
143 dx += 10
144 font_context.set_alignment(.left | .bottom)
145 font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Bottom')
146 dx = 150
147 dy = 400
148 line(f32(dx), f32(dy - 30), f32(dx), f32(dy + 80.0))
149 font_context.set_alignment(.left | .baseline)
150 font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Left')
151 dy += 30
152 font_context.set_alignment(.center | .baseline)
153 font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Center')
154 dy += 30
155 font_context.set_alignment(.right | .baseline)
156 font_context.draw_text(dx, dy, 'Right')
157 sfons.flush(font_context)
160fn line(sx f32, sy f32, ex f32, ey f32) {
161 sgl.begin_lines()
162 sgl.c4b(255, 255, 0, 128)
163 sgl.v2f(sx, sy)
164 sgl.v2f(ex, ey)
165 sgl.end()