v / examples / templates
Raw file | 197 loc (197 sloc) | 6.56 KB | Latest commit hash 3f3bec45f
2 {
3 "name": "www_threefold_io",
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11 "www.threefold.io",
12 "www.threefold.me"
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14 "descr": "is our entry point for everyone, redirect to the detailed websites underneath."
15 },
16 {
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25 "cloud.threefold.io",
26 "cloud.threefold.me"
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28 "descr": "for people looking to deploy solutions on top of a cloud, alternative to e.g. digital ocean"
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42 "descr": "crypto & minining enthusiasts, be the internet, know about farming & tokens."
43 },
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56 "descr": "you digital life"
57 },
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68 "marketplace.threefold.io",
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72 "descr": "apps for community builders, runs on top of evdc"
73 },
74 {
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85 "community.threefold.io",
86 "eco.threefold.me",
87 "community.threefold.me"
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89 "descr": "community around threefold, partners, friends, ..."
90 },
91 {
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100 "www.threefold.tech"
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102 "descr": "cyberpandemic, use the tech to build your own solutions with, certification for TFGrid"
103 },
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116 },
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128 "descr": "wiki for foundation, collaborate, what if farmings, tokens"
129 },
130 {
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140 "sdk_info.threefold.io"
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142 "descr": "for IAC, devops, how to do Infrastructure As Code, 3bot, Ansible, tfgrid-sdk, ..."
143 },
144 {
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169 "descr": "how to use the cloud for deploying apps: evdc, kubernetes, planetary fs, ... + marketplace solutions "
170 },
171 {
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