v / vlib / context
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1// vtest flaky: true
2// vtest retry: 3
3import context
5// This example demonstrates the use of a cancelable context to prevent a
6// routine leak. By the end of the example function, the routine started
7// by gen will return without leaking.
8fn test_with_cancel() {
9 // gen generates integers in a separate routine and
10 // sends them to the returned channel.
11 // The callers of gen need to cancel the context once
12 // they are done consuming generated integers not to leak
13 // the internal routine started by gen.
14 gen := fn (mut ctx context.Context) chan int {
15 dst := chan int{}
16 spawn fn (mut ctx context.Context, dst chan int) {
17 mut v := 0
18 ch := ctx.done()
19 for {
20 select {
21 _ := <-ch {
22 // returning not to leak the routine
23 return
24 }
25 dst <- v {
26 v++
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 }(mut ctx, dst)
31 return dst
32 }
34 mut background := context.background()
35 mut ctx, cancel := context.with_cancel(mut background)
36 defer {
37 cancel()
38 }
40 mut mut_ctx := ctx
41 mut ctx2 := &mut_ctx
42 ch := gen(mut ctx2)
43 for i in 0 .. 5 {
44 v := <-ch
45 assert i == v
46 }