v / vlib / math
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1module math
3// Floating-point mod function.
4// mod returns the floating-point remainder of x/y.
5// The magnitude of the result is less than y and its
6// sign agrees with that of x.
8// special cases are:
9// mod(±inf, y) = nan
10// mod(nan, y) = nan
11// mod(x, 0) = nan
12// mod(x, ±inf) = x
13// mod(x, nan) = nan
14pub fn mod(x f64, y f64) f64 {
15 return fmod(x, y)
18// fmod returns the floating-point remainder of number / denom (rounded towards zero)
19pub fn fmod(x f64, y f64) f64 {
20 if y == 0 || is_inf(x, 0) || is_nan(x) || is_nan(y) {
21 return nan()
22 }
23 abs_y := abs(y)
24 abs_y_fr, abs_y_exp := frexp(abs_y)
25 mut r := x
26 if x < 0 {
27 r = -x
28 }
29 for r >= abs_y {
30 rfr, mut rexp := frexp(r)
31 if rfr < abs_y_fr {
32 rexp = rexp - 1
33 }
34 r = r - ldexp(abs_y, rexp - abs_y_exp)
35 }
36 if x < 0 {
37 r = -r
38 }
39 return r
42// gcd calculates greatest common (positive) divisor (or zero if a and b are both zero).
43pub fn gcd(a_ i64, b_ i64) i64 {
44 mut a := a_
45 mut b := b_
46 if a < 0 {
47 a = -a
48 }
49 if b < 0 {
50 b = -b
51 }
52 for b != 0 {
53 a %= b
54 if a == 0 {
55 return b
56 }
57 b %= a
58 }
59 return a
62// egcd returns (gcd(a, b), x, y) such that |a*x + b*y| = gcd(a, b)
63pub fn egcd(a i64, b i64) (i64, i64, i64) {
64 mut old_r, mut r := a, b
65 mut old_s, mut s := i64(1), i64(0)
66 mut old_t, mut t := i64(0), i64(1)
68 for r != 0 {
69 quot := old_r / r
70 old_r, r = r, old_r % r
71 old_s, s = s, old_s - quot * s
72 old_t, t = t, old_t - quot * t
73 }
74 return if old_r < 0 { -old_r } else { old_r }, old_s, old_t
77// lcm calculates least common (non-negative) multiple.
78pub fn lcm(a i64, b i64) i64 {
79 if a == 0 {
80 return a
81 }
82 res := a * (b / gcd(b, a))
83 if res < 0 {
84 return -res
85 }
86 return res