v / vlib / math
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1module math
3const (
4 pow10tab = [f64(1e+00), 1e+01, 1e+02, 1e+03, 1e+04, 1e+05, 1e+06, 1e+07, 1e+08, 1e+09,
5 1e+10, 1e+11, 1e+12, 1e+13, 1e+14, 1e+15, 1e+16, 1e+17, 1e+18, 1e+19, 1e+20, 1e+21, 1e+22,
6 1e+23, 1e+24, 1e+25, 1e+26, 1e+27, 1e+28, 1e+29, 1e+30, 1e+31]
7 pow10postab32 = [f64(1e+00), 1e+32, 1e+64, 1e+96, 1e+128, 1e+160, 1e+192, 1e+224, 1e+256, 1e+288]
8 pow10negtab32 = [f64(1e-00), 1e-32, 1e-64, 1e-96, 1e-128, 1e-160, 1e-192, 1e-224, 1e-256, 1e-288,
9 1e-320]
12// powf returns base raised to the provided power. (float32)
14pub fn powf(a f32, b f32) f32 {
15 return f32(pow(a, b))
18// pow10 returns 10**n, the base-10 exponential of n.
20// special cases are:
21// pow10(n) = 0 for n < -323
22// pow10(n) = +inf for n > 308
23pub fn pow10(n int) f64 {
24 if 0 <= n && n <= 308 {
25 return math.pow10postab32[u32(n) / 32] * math.pow10tab[u32(n) % 32]
26 }
27 if -323 <= n && n <= 0 {
28 return math.pow10negtab32[u32(-n) / 32] / math.pow10tab[u32(-n) % 32]
29 }
30 // n < -323 || 308 < n
31 if n > 0 {
32 return inf(1)
33 }
34 // n < -323
35 return 0.0
38// powi returns base raised to power (a**b) as an integer (i64)
40// special case:
41// powi(a, b) = -1 for a = 0 and b < 0
42pub fn powi(a i64, b i64) i64 {
43 mut b_ := b
44 mut p := a
45 mut v := i64(1)
47 if b_ < 0 { // exponent < 0
48 if a == 0 {
49 return -1 // division by 0
50 }
51 return if a * a != 1 {
52 0
53 } else {
54 if (b_ & 1) > 0 {
55 a
56 } else {
57 1
58 }
59 }
60 }
62 for ; b_ > 0; {
63 if b_ & 1 > 0 {
64 v *= p
65 }
66 p *= p
67 b_ >>= 1
68 }
70 return v
73// pow returns the base x, raised to the provided power y. (float64)
75// todo(playXE): make this function work on JS backend, probably problem of JS codegen that it does not work.
76pub fn pow(x f64, y f64) f64 {
77 if y == 0 || x == 1 {
78 return 1
79 } else if y == 1 {
80 return x
81 } else if is_nan(x) || is_nan(y) {
82 return nan()
83 } else if y == 2 {
84 return x * x
85 } else if y == 3 {
86 return x * x * x
87 } else if x == 0 {
88 if y < 0 {
89 if is_odd_int(y) {
90 return copysign(inf(1), x)
91 }
92 return inf(1)
93 } else if y > 0 {
94 if is_odd_int(y) {
95 return x
96 }
97 return 0
98 }
99 } else if is_inf(y, 0) {
100 if x == -1 {
101 return 1
102 } else if (abs(x) < 1) == is_inf(y, 1) {
103 return 0
104 } else {
105 return inf(1)
106 }
107 } else if is_inf(x, 0) {
108 if is_inf(x, -1) {
109 return pow(1 / x, -y)
110 }
112 if y < 0 {
113 return 0
114 } else if y > 0 {
115 return inf(1)
116 }
117 } else if y == 0.5 {
118 return sqrt(x)
119 } else if y == -0.5 {
120 return 1 / sqrt(x)
121 }
122 mut yi, mut yf := modf(abs(y))
124 if yf != 0 && x < 0 {
125 return nan()
126 }
127 if yi >= (u64(1) << 63) {
128 // yi is a large even int that will lead to overflow (or underflow to 0)
129 // for all x except -1 (x == 1 was handled earlier)
131 if x == -1 {
132 return 1
133 } else if (abs(x) < 1) == (y > 0) {
134 return 0
135 } else {
136 return inf(1)
137 }
138 }
140 if yf == 0.0 {
141 mut result := x
142 for _ in 1 .. i64(yi) {
143 result *= x
144 }
145 if y > 0 {
146 return result
147 }
148 return 1 / result
149 }
151 // ans = a1 * 2**ae (= 1 for now).
152 mut a1 := 1.0
153 mut ae := 0
155 // ans *= x**yf
156 if yf != 0 {
157 if yf > 0.5 {
158 yf--
159 yi++
160 }
162 a1 = exp(yf * log(x))
163 }
165 // ans *= x**yi
166 // by multiplying in successive squarings
167 // of x according to bits of yi.
168 // accumulate powers of two into exp.
169 mut x1, mut xe := frexp(x)
171 for i := i64(yi); i != 0; i >>= 1 {
172 // these series of casts is a little weird but we have to do them to prevent left shift of negative error
173 if xe < int(u32(u32(-1) << 12)) || 1 << 12 < xe {
174 // catch xe before it overflows the left shift below
175 // Since i !=0 it has at least one bit still set, so ae will accumulate xe
176 // on at least one more iteration, ae += xe is a lower bound on ae
177 // the lower bound on ae exceeds the size of a float64 exp
178 // so the final call to Ldexp will produce under/overflow (0/Inf)
179 ae += xe
180 break
181 }
182 if i & 1 == 1 {
183 a1 *= x1
184 ae += xe
185 }
186 x1 *= x1
187 xe <<= 1
188 if x1 < .5 {
189 x1 += x1
190 xe--
191 }
192 }
194 // ans = a1*2**ae
195 // if y < 0 { ans = 1 / ans }
196 // but in the opposite order
197 if y < 0 {
198 a1 = 1 / a1
199 ae = -ae
200 }
201 return ldexp(a1, ae)