v / vlib / regex
Raw file | 53 loc (43 sloc) | 1.85 KB | Latest commit hash 017ace6ea
1module regex
3import strings
5// compile_opt compile RE pattern string
6pub fn (mut re RE) compile_opt(pattern string) ! {
7 re_err, err_pos := re.impl_compile(pattern)
9 if re_err != compile_ok {
10 mut err_msg := strings.new_builder(300)
11 err_msg.write_string('\nquery: ${pattern}\n')
12 line := '-'.repeat(err_pos)
13 err_msg.write_string('err : ${line}^\n')
14 err_str := re.get_parse_error_string(re_err)
15 err_msg.write_string('ERROR: ${err_str}\n')
16 return error_with_code(err_msg.str(), re_err)
17 }
20// new_regex create a RE of small size, usually sufficient for ordinary use
21pub fn new() RE {
22 // init regex
23 mut re := RE{}
24 re.prog = []Token{len: max_code_len + 1} // max program length, can not be longer then the pattern
25 re.cc = []CharClass{len: max_code_len} // can not be more char class the the length of the pattern
26 re.group_csave_flag = false // enable continuos group saving
27 re.group_max_nested = 128 // set max 128 group nested
28 re.group_max = max_code_len >> 1 // we can't have more groups than the half of the pattern legth
30 re.group_stack = []int{len: re.group_max, init: -1}
31 re.group_data = []int{len: re.group_max, init: -1}
33 return re
36// regex_opt create new RE object from RE pattern string
37pub fn regex_opt(pattern string) !RE {
38 // init regex
39 mut re := RE{}
40 re.prog = []Token{len: pattern.len + 1} // max program length, can not be longer then the pattern
41 re.cc = []CharClass{len: pattern.len} // can not be more char class the the length of the pattern
42 re.group_csave_flag = false // enable continuos group saving
43 re.group_max_nested = pattern.len >> 1 // set max 128 group nested
44 re.group_max = pattern.len >> 1 // we can't have more groups than the half of the pattern legth
46 re.group_stack = []int{len: re.group_max, init: -1}
47 re.group_data = []int{len: re.group_max, init: -1}
49 // compile the pattern
50 re.compile_opt(pattern)!
52 return re