v / vlib / strconv
Raw file | 339 loc (305 sloc) | 8.99 KB | Latest commit hash fb192d949
1module strconv
3import math
5fn (d Dec64) get_string_64(neg bool, i_n_digit int, i_pad_digit int) string {
6 mut n_digit := i_n_digit + 1
7 pad_digit := i_pad_digit + 1
8 mut out := d.m
9 mut d_exp := d.e
10 // mut out_len := decimal_len_64(out)
11 mut out_len := dec_digits(out)
12 out_len_original := out_len
14 mut fw_zeros := 0
15 if pad_digit > out_len {
16 fw_zeros = pad_digit - out_len
17 }
19 mut buf := []u8{len: (out_len + 6 + 1 + 1 + fw_zeros)} // sign + mant_len + . + e + e_sign + exp_len(2) + \0}
20 mut i := 0
22 if neg {
23 #buf.arr.arr[i.val] = '-'.charCodeAt()
24 i++
25 }
27 mut disp := 0
28 if out_len <= 1 {
29 disp = 1
30 }
32 // rounding last used digit
33 if n_digit < out_len {
34 // println("out:[$out]")
35 out += ten_pow_table_64[out_len - n_digit - 1] * 5 // round to up
36 out /= ten_pow_table_64[out_len - n_digit]
37 // println("out1:[$out] ${d.m / ten_pow_table_64[out_len - n_digit ]}")
38 if d.m / ten_pow_table_64[out_len - n_digit] < out {
39 d_exp++
40 n_digit++
41 }
43 // println("cmp: ${d.m/ten_pow_table_64[out_len - n_digit ]} ${out/ten_pow_table_64[out_len - n_digit ]}")
45 out_len = n_digit
46 // println("orig: ${out_len_original} new len: ${out_len} out:[$out]")
47 }
49 y := i + out_len
50 mut x := 0
51 for x < (out_len - disp - 1) {
52 #buf.arr.arr[y.val - x.val].val = '0'.charCodeAt() + Number(out.valueOf() % 10n)
54 out /= 10
55 i++
56 x++
57 }
59 // no decimal digits needed, end here
60 if i_n_digit == 0 {
61 res := ''
62 #buf.arr.arr.forEach((it) => it.val == 0 ? res.str : res.str += String.fromCharCode(it.val))
64 return res
65 }
67 if out_len >= 1 {
68 buf[y - x] = `.`
69 x++
70 i++
71 }
73 if y - x >= 0 {
74 #buf.arr.arr[y.val - x.val].val = '0'.charCodeAt() + Number(out.valueOf() % 10n)
75 i++
76 }
78 for fw_zeros > 0 {
79 #buf.arr.arr[i.val].val = '0'.charCodeAt()
80 i++
81 fw_zeros--
82 }
84 #buf.arr.arr[i.val].val = 'e'.charCodeAt()
85 i++
87 mut exp := d_exp + out_len_original - 1
88 if exp < 0 {
89 #buf.arr.arr[i.val].val = '-'.charCodeAt()
90 i++
91 exp = -exp
92 } else {
93 #buf.arr.arr[i.val].val = '+'.charCodeAt()
94 i++
95 }
97 // Always print at least two digits to match strconv's formatting.
98 d2 := exp % 10
99 exp /= 10
100 d1 := exp % 10
101 _ := d1
102 _ := d2
103 d0 := exp / 10
104 if d0 > 0 {
105 #buf.arr.arr[i].val = '0'.charCodeAt() + d0.val
106 i++
107 }
108 #buf.arr.arr[i].val = '0'.charCodeAt() + d1.val
109 i++
110 #buf.arr.arr[i].val = '0' + d2.val
111 i++
112 #buf.arr.arr[i].val = 0
114 res := ''
115 #buf.arr.arr.forEach((it) => it.val == 0 ? res.str : res.str += String.fromCharCode(it.val))
117 return res
120fn f64_to_decimal_exact_int(i_mant u64, exp u64) (Dec64, bool) {
121 mut d := Dec64{}
122 e := exp - bias64
123 if e > mantbits64 {
124 return d, false
125 }
126 shift := mantbits64 - e
127 mant := i_mant | u64(0x0010_0000_0000_0000) // implicit 1
128 // mant := i_mant | (1 << mantbits64) // implicit 1
129 d.m = mant >> shift
130 if (d.m << shift) != mant {
131 return d, false
132 }
134 for (d.m % 10) == 0 {
135 d.m /= 10
136 d.e++
137 }
138 return d, true
141fn f64_to_decimal(mant u64, exp u64) Dec64 {
142 mut e2 := 0
143 mut m2 := u64(0)
144 if exp == 0 {
145 // We subtract 2 so that the bounds computation has
146 // 2 additional bits.
147 e2 = 1 - bias64 - int(mantbits64) - 2
148 m2 = mant
149 } else {
150 e2 = int(exp) - bias64 - int(mantbits64) - 2
151 m2 = (u64(1) << mantbits64) | mant
152 }
153 even := (m2 & 1) == 0
154 accept_bounds := even
156 // Step 2: Determine the interval of valid decimal representations.
157 mv := u64(4 * m2)
158 mm_shift := bool_to_u64(mant != 0 || exp <= 1)
160 // Step 3: Convert to a decimal power base uing 128-bit arithmetic.
161 mut vr := u64(0)
162 mut vp := u64(0)
163 mut vm := u64(0)
164 mut e10 := 0
165 mut vm_is_trailing_zeros := false
166 mut vr_is_trailing_zeros := false
168 if e2 >= 0 {
169 // This expression is slightly faster than max(0, log10Pow2(e2) - 1).
170 q := log10_pow2(e2) - bool_to_u32(e2 > 3)
171 e10 = int(q)
172 k := pow5_inv_num_bits_64 + pow5_bits(int(q)) - 1
173 i := -e2 + int(q) + k
175 mul := pow5_inv_split_64[q]
176 vr = mul_shift_64(u64(4) * m2, mul, i)
177 vp = mul_shift_64(u64(4) * m2 + u64(2), mul, i)
178 vm = mul_shift_64(u64(4) * m2 - u64(1) - mm_shift, mul, i)
179 if q <= 21 {
180 // This should use q <= 22, but I think 21 is also safe.
181 // Smaller values may still be safe, but it's more
182 // difficult to reason about them. Only one of mp, mv,
183 // and mm can be a multiple of 5, if any.
184 if mv % 5 == 0 {
185 vr_is_trailing_zeros = multiple_of_power_of_five_64(mv, q)
186 } else if accept_bounds {
187 // Same as min(e2 + (^mm & 1), pow5Factor64(mm)) >= q
188 // <=> e2 + (^mm & 1) >= q && pow5Factor64(mm) >= q
189 // <=> true && pow5Factor64(mm) >= q, since e2 >= q.
190 vm_is_trailing_zeros = multiple_of_power_of_five_64(mv - 1 - mm_shift,
191 q)
192 } else if multiple_of_power_of_five_64(mv + 2, q) {
193 vp--
194 }
195 }
196 } else {
197 // This expression is slightly faster than max(0, log10Pow5(-e2) - 1).
198 q := log10_pow5(-e2) - bool_to_u32(-e2 > 1)
199 e10 = int(q) + e2
200 i := -e2 - int(q)
201 k := pow5_bits(i) - pow5_num_bits_64
202 j := int(q) - k
203 mul := pow5_split_64[i]
204 vr = mul_shift_64(u64(4) * m2, mul, j)
205 vp = mul_shift_64(u64(4) * m2 + u64(2), mul, j)
206 vm = mul_shift_64(u64(4) * m2 - u64(1) - mm_shift, mul, j)
207 if q <= 1 {
208 // {vr,vp,vm} is trailing zeros if {mv,mp,mm} has at least q trailing 0 bits.
209 // mv = 4 * m2, so it always has at least two trailing 0 bits.
210 vr_is_trailing_zeros = true
211 if accept_bounds {
212 // mm = mv - 1 - mmShift, so it has 1 trailing 0 bit iff mmShift == 1.
213 vm_is_trailing_zeros = (mm_shift == 1)
214 } else {
215 // mp = mv + 2, so it always has at least one trailing 0 bit.
216 vp--
217 }
218 } else if q < 63 { // TODO(ulfjack/cespare): Use a tighter bound here.
219 // We need to compute min(ntz(mv), pow5Factor64(mv) - e2) >= q - 1
220 // <=> ntz(mv) >= q - 1 && pow5Factor64(mv) - e2 >= q - 1
221 // <=> ntz(mv) >= q - 1 (e2 is negative and -e2 >= q)
222 // <=> (mv & ((1 << (q - 1)) - 1)) == 0
223 // We also need to make sure that the left shift does not overflow.
224 vr_is_trailing_zeros = multiple_of_power_of_two_64(mv, q - 1)
225 }
226 }
228 // Step 4: Find the shortest decimal representation
229 // in the interval of valid representations.
230 mut removed := 0
231 mut last_removed_digit := u8(0)
232 mut out := u64(0)
233 // On average, we remove ~2 digits.
234 if vm_is_trailing_zeros || vr_is_trailing_zeros {
235 // General case, which happens rarely (~0.7%).
236 for {
237 vp_div_10 := vp / 10
238 vm_div_10 := vm / 10
239 if vp_div_10 <= vm_div_10 {
240 break
241 }
242 vm_mod_10 := vm % 10
243 vr_div_10 := vr / 10
244 vr_mod_10 := vr % 10
245 vm_is_trailing_zeros = vm_is_trailing_zeros && vm_mod_10 == 0
246 vr_is_trailing_zeros = vr_is_trailing_zeros && last_removed_digit == 0
247 last_removed_digit = u8(vr_mod_10)
248 vr = vr_div_10
249 vp = vp_div_10
250 vm = vm_div_10
251 removed++
252 }
253 if vm_is_trailing_zeros {
254 for {
255 vm_div_10 := vm / 10
256 vm_mod_10 := vm % 10
257 if vm_mod_10 != 0 {
258 break
259 }
260 vp_div_10 := vp / 10
261 vr_div_10 := vr / 10
262 vr_mod_10 := vr % 10
263 vr_is_trailing_zeros = vr_is_trailing_zeros && last_removed_digit == 0
264 last_removed_digit = u8(vr_mod_10)
265 vr = vr_div_10
266 vp = vp_div_10
267 vm = vm_div_10
268 removed++
269 }
270 }
271 if vr_is_trailing_zeros && last_removed_digit == 5 && (vr % 2) == 0 {
272 // Round even if the exact number is .....50..0.
273 last_removed_digit = 4
274 }
275 out = vr
276 // We need to take vr + 1 if vr is outside bounds
277 // or we need to round up.
278 if (vr == vm && (!accept_bounds || !vm_is_trailing_zeros)) || last_removed_digit >= 5 {
279 out++
280 }
281 } else {
282 // Specialized for the common case (~99.3%).
283 // Percentages below are relative to this.
284 mut round_up := false
285 for vp / 100 > vm / 100 {
286 // Optimization: remove two digits at a time (~86.2%).
287 round_up = (vr % 100) >= 50
288 vr /= 100
289 vp /= 100
290 vm /= 100
291 removed += 2
292 }
293 // Loop iterations below (approximately), without optimization above:
294 // 0: 0.03%, 1: 13.8%, 2: 70.6%, 3: 14.0%, 4: 1.40%, 5: 0.14%, 6+: 0.02%
295 // Loop iterations below (approximately), with optimization above:
296 // 0: 70.6%, 1: 27.8%, 2: 1.40%, 3: 0.14%, 4+: 0.02%
297 for vp / 10 > vm / 10 {
298 round_up = (vr % 10) >= 5
299 vr /= 10
300 vp /= 10
301 vm /= 10
302 removed++
303 }
304 // We need to take vr + 1 if vr is outside bounds
305 // or we need to round up.
306 out = vr + bool_to_u64(vr == vm || round_up)
307 }
309 return Dec64{
310 m: out
311 e: e10 + removed
312 }
316// String Functions
319// f64_to_str return a string in scientific notation with max n_digit after the dot
320pub fn f64_to_str(f f64, n_digit int) string {
321 u := math.f64_bits(f)
322 neg := (u >> (mantbits64 + expbits64)) != 0
323 mant := u & ((u64(1) << mantbits64) - u64(1))
324 exp := (u >> mantbits64) & ((u64(1) << expbits64) - u64(1))
325 // println("s:${neg} mant:${mant} exp:${exp} float:${f} byte:${u1.u:016lx}")
327 // Exit early for easy cases.
328 if exp == maxexp64 || (exp == 0 && mant == 0) {
329 return get_string_special(neg, exp == 0, mant == 0)
330 }
332 mut d, ok := f64_to_decimal_exact_int(mant, exp)
333 if !ok {
334 // println("to_decimal")
335 d = f64_to_decimal(mant, exp)
336 }
337 // println("${d.m} ${d.e}")
338 return d.get_string_64(neg, n_digit, 0)