v / vlib / v
Raw file | 382 loc (356 sloc) | 11.79 KB | Latest commit hash 017ace6ea
1import os
2import rand
3import term
4import v.util.diff
5import v.util.vtest
6import time
7import runtime
8import benchmark
10const skip_files = [
11 'non_existing.vv', // minimize commit diff churn, do not remove
14const skip_on_cstrict = [
15 'vlib/v/checker/tests/missing_c_lib_header_1.vv',
16 'vlib/v/checker/tests/missing_c_lib_header_with_explanation_2.vv',
19const skip_on_ubuntu_musl = [
20 'vlib/v/checker/tests/vweb_tmpl_used_var.vv',
21 'vlib/v/checker/tests/vweb_routing_checks.vv',
22 'vlib/v/tests/skip_unused/gg_code.vv',
25const skip_on_ci_musl = [
26 'vlib/v/tests/skip_unused/gg_code.vv',
29const vexe = os.getenv('VEXE')
31const turn_off_vcolors = os.setenv('VCOLORS', 'never', true)
33const show_cmd = os.getenv('VTEST_SHOW_CMD') != ''
35// This is needed, because some of the .vv files are tests, and we do need stable
36// output from them, that can be compared against their .out files:
37const turn_on_normal_test_runner = os.setenv('VTEST_RUNNER', 'normal', true)
39const should_autofix = os.getenv('VAUTOFIX') != ''
41const github_job = os.getenv('GITHUB_JOB')
43const v_ci_ubuntu_musl = os.getenv('V_CI_UBUNTU_MUSL').len > 0
45const v_ci_musl = os.getenv('V_CI_MUSL').len > 0
47const v_ci_cstrict = os.getenv('V_CI_CSTRICT').len > 0
49struct TaskDescription {
50 vexe string
51 evars string
52 dir string
53 voptions string
54 result_extension string
55 path string
57 is_error bool
58 is_skipped bool
59 is_module bool
60 expected string
61 expected_out_path string
62 found___ string
63 took time.Duration
64 cli_cmd string
67struct Tasks {
68 vexe string
69 parallel_jobs int // 0 is using VJOBS, anything else is an override
70 label string
72 show_cmd bool
73 all []TaskDescription
76fn test_all() {
77 vroot := os.dir(vexe)
78 os.chdir(vroot) or {}
79 checker_dir := 'vlib/v/checker/tests'
80 checker_with_check_option_dir := 'vlib/v/checker/tests/with_check_option'
81 parser_dir := 'vlib/v/parser/tests'
82 scanner_dir := 'vlib/v/scanner/tests'
83 module_dir := '${checker_dir}/modules'
84 global_dir := '${checker_dir}/globals'
85 global_run_dir := '${checker_dir}/globals_run'
86 run_dir := '${checker_dir}/run'
87 skip_unused_dir := 'vlib/v/tests/skip_unused'
88 //
89 checker_tests := get_tests_in_dir(checker_dir, false).filter(!it.contains('with_check_option'))
90 parser_tests := get_tests_in_dir(parser_dir, false)
91 scanner_tests := get_tests_in_dir(scanner_dir, false)
92 global_tests := get_tests_in_dir(global_dir, false)
93 global_run_tests := get_tests_in_dir(global_run_dir, false)
94 module_tests := get_tests_in_dir(module_dir, true)
95 run_tests := get_tests_in_dir(run_dir, false)
96 skip_unused_dir_tests := get_tests_in_dir(skip_unused_dir, false)
97 checker_with_check_option_tests := get_tests_in_dir(checker_with_check_option_dir,
98 false)
99 mut tasks := Tasks{
100 vexe: vexe
101 label: 'all tests'
102 }
103 tasks.add('', parser_dir, '', '.out', parser_tests, false)
104 tasks.add('', checker_dir, '', '.out', checker_tests, false)
105 tasks.add('', scanner_dir, '', '.out', scanner_tests, false)
106 tasks.add('', checker_dir, '-enable-globals run', '.run.out', ['globals_error.vv'],
107 false)
108 tasks.add('', global_run_dir, '-enable-globals run', '.run.out', global_run_tests,
109 false)
110 tasks.add('', global_dir, '-enable-globals', '.out', global_tests, false)
111 tasks.add('', module_dir, '-prod run', '.out', module_tests, true)
112 tasks.add('', run_dir, 'run', '.run.out', run_tests, false)
113 tasks.add('', checker_with_check_option_dir, '-check', '.out', checker_with_check_option_tests,
114 false)
115 tasks.run()
116 //
117 if os.user_os() == 'linux' {
118 mut skip_unused_tasks := Tasks{
119 vexe: vexe
120 parallel_jobs: 1
121 label: '-skip-unused tests'
122 }
123 skip_unused_tasks.add('', skip_unused_dir, 'run', '.run.out', skip_unused_dir_tests,
124 false)
125 skip_unused_tasks.add('', skip_unused_dir, '-d no_backtrace -skip-unused run',
126 '.skip_unused.run.out', skip_unused_dir_tests, false)
127 skip_unused_tasks.run()
128 }
129 //
130 if github_job == 'ubuntu-tcc' {
131 // This is done with tcc only, because the error output is compiler specific.
132 // Note: the tasks should be run serially, since they depend on
133 // setting and using environment variables.
134 mut cte_tasks := Tasks{
135 vexe: vexe
136 parallel_jobs: 1
137 label: 'comptime env tests'
138 }
139 cte_dir := '${checker_dir}/comptime_env'
140 files := get_tests_in_dir(cte_dir, false)
141 cte_tasks.add('', cte_dir, '-no-retry-compilation run', '.run.out', files, false)
142 cte_tasks.add_evars('VAR=/usr/include', '', cte_dir, '-no-retry-compilation run',
143 '.var.run.out', ['using_comptime_env.vv'], false)
144 cte_tasks.add_evars('VAR=/opt/invalid/path', '', cte_dir, '-no-retry-compilation run',
145 '.var_invalid.run.out', ['using_comptime_env.vv'], false)
146 cte_tasks.run()
147 }
148 mut ct_tasks := Tasks{
149 vexe: vexe
150 parallel_jobs: 1
151 label: 'comptime define tests'
152 }
153 ct_tasks.add_checked_run('-d mysymbol run', '.mysymbol.run.out', [
154 'custom_comptime_define_error.vv',
155 ])
156 ct_tasks.add_checked_run('-d mydebug run', '.mydebug.run.out', [
157 'custom_comptime_define_if_flag.vv',
158 ])
159 ct_tasks.add_checked_run('-d nodebug run', '.nodebug.run.out', [
160 'custom_comptime_define_if_flag.vv',
161 ])
162 ct_tasks.add_checked_run('run', '.run.out', ['custom_comptime_define_if_debug.vv'])
163 ct_tasks.add_checked_run('-g run', '.g.run.out', [
164 'custom_comptime_define_if_debug.vv',
165 ])
166 ct_tasks.add_checked_run('-cg run', '.cg.run.out', [
167 'custom_comptime_define_if_debug.vv',
168 ])
169 ct_tasks.add_checked_run('-d debug run', '.debug.run.out', [
170 'custom_comptime_define_if_debug.vv',
171 ])
172 ct_tasks.add_checked_run('-d debug -d bar run', '.debug.bar.run.out', [
173 'custom_comptime_define_if_debug.vv',
174 ])
175 ct_tasks.run()
178fn (mut tasks Tasks) add_checked_run(voptions string, result_extension string, tests []string) {
179 checker_dir := 'vlib/v/checker/tests'
180 tasks.add('', checker_dir, voptions, result_extension, tests, false)
183fn (mut tasks Tasks) add(custom_vexe string, dir string, voptions string, result_extension string, tests []string, is_module bool) {
184 tasks.add_evars('', custom_vexe, dir, voptions, result_extension, tests, is_module)
187fn (mut tasks Tasks) add_evars(evars string, custom_vexe string, dir string, voptions string, result_extension string, tests []string, is_module bool) {
188 paths := vtest.filter_vtest_only(tests, basepath: dir)
189 for path in paths {
190 tasks.all << TaskDescription{
191 evars: evars
192 vexe: if custom_vexe != '' { custom_vexe } else { tasks.vexe }
193 dir: dir
194 voptions: voptions
195 result_extension: result_extension
196 path: path
197 is_module: is_module
198 }
199 }
202fn bstep_message(mut bench benchmark.Benchmark, label string, msg string, sduration time.Duration) string {
203 return bench.step_message_with_label_and_duration(label, msg, sduration)
206// process an array of tasks in parallel, using no more than vjobs worker threads
207fn (mut tasks Tasks) run() {
208 if tasks.all.len == 0 {
209 return
210 }
211 tasks.show_cmd = show_cmd
212 vjobs := if tasks.parallel_jobs > 0 { tasks.parallel_jobs } else { runtime.nr_jobs() }
213 mut bench := benchmark.new_benchmark()
214 bench.set_total_expected_steps(tasks.all.len)
215 mut work := chan TaskDescription{cap: tasks.all.len}
216 mut results := chan TaskDescription{cap: tasks.all.len}
217 mut m_skip_files := skip_files.clone()
218 if v_ci_ubuntu_musl {
219 m_skip_files << skip_on_ubuntu_musl
220 }
221 if v_ci_musl {
222 m_skip_files << skip_on_ci_musl
223 }
224 if v_ci_cstrict {
225 m_skip_files << skip_on_cstrict
226 }
227 $if noskip ? {
228 m_skip_files = []
229 }
230 $if tinyc {
231 // Note: tcc does not support __has_include, so the detection mechanism
232 // used for the other compilers does not work. It still provides a
233 // cleaner error message, than a generic C error, but without the explanation.
234 m_skip_files << 'vlib/v/checker/tests/missing_c_lib_header_1.vv'
235 m_skip_files << 'vlib/v/checker/tests/missing_c_lib_header_with_explanation_2.vv'
236 }
237 $if msvc {
238 m_skip_files << 'vlib/v/checker/tests/asm_alias_does_not_exist.vv'
239 m_skip_files << 'vlib/v/checker/tests/asm_immutable_err.vv'
240 // TODO: investigate why MSVC regressed
241 m_skip_files << 'vlib/v/checker/tests/missing_c_lib_header_1.vv'
242 m_skip_files << 'vlib/v/checker/tests/missing_c_lib_header_with_explanation_2.vv'
243 }
244 $if windows {
245 m_skip_files << 'vlib/v/checker/tests/modules/deprecated_module'
246 }
247 for i in 0 .. tasks.all.len {
248 if tasks.all[i].path in m_skip_files {
249 tasks.all[i].is_skipped = true
250 }
251 work <- tasks.all[i]
252 }
253 work.close()
254 for _ in 0 .. vjobs {
255 spawn work_processor(work, results)
256 }
257 if github_job == '' {
258 println('')
259 }
260 mut line_can_be_erased := true
261 mut total_errors := 0
262 for _ in 0 .. tasks.all.len {
263 mut task := TaskDescription{}
264 task = <-results
265 bench.step()
266 if task.is_skipped {
267 bench.skip()
268 eprintln(bstep_message(mut bench, benchmark.b_skip, task.path, task.took))
269 line_can_be_erased = false
270 continue
271 }
272 if task.is_error {
273 total_errors++
274 bench.fail()
275 eprintln(bstep_message(mut bench, benchmark.b_fail, task.path, task.took))
276 println('============')
277 println('failed cmd: ${task.cli_cmd}')
278 println('expected_out_path: ${task.expected_out_path}')
279 println('============')
280 println('expected:')
281 println(task.expected)
282 println('============')
283 println('found:')
284 println(task.found___)
285 println('============\n')
286 diff_content(task.expected, task.found___)
287 line_can_be_erased = false
288 } else {
289 bench.ok()
290 assert true
291 if tasks.show_cmd {
292 eprintln(bstep_message(mut bench, benchmark.b_ok, '${task.cli_cmd}', task.took))
293 } else {
294 if github_job == '' {
295 // local mode:
296 if line_can_be_erased {
297 term.clear_previous_line()
298 }
299 println(bstep_message(mut bench, benchmark.b_ok, task.path, task.took))
300 }
301 }
302 line_can_be_erased = true
303 }
304 }
305 bench.stop()
306 eprintln(term.h_divider('-'))
307 eprintln(bench.total_message(tasks.label))
308 if total_errors != 0 {
309 exit(1)
310 }
313// a single worker thread spends its time getting work from the `work` channel,
314// processing the task, and then putting the task in the `results` channel
315fn work_processor(work chan TaskDescription, results chan TaskDescription) {
316 for {
317 mut task := <-work or { break }
318 sw := time.new_stopwatch()
319 task.execute()
320 task.took = sw.elapsed()
321 results <- task
322 }
325// actual processing; Note: no output is done here at all
326fn (mut task TaskDescription) execute() {
327 if task.is_skipped {
328 return
329 }
330 program := task.path
331 cmd_prefix := if task.evars.len > 0 { '${task.evars} ' } else { '' }
332 cli_cmd := '${cmd_prefix}${os.quoted_path(task.vexe)} ${task.voptions} ${os.quoted_path(program)}'
333 res := os.execute(cli_cmd)
334 expected_out_path := program.replace('.vv', '') + task.result_extension
335 task.expected_out_path = expected_out_path
336 task.cli_cmd = cli_cmd
337 if should_autofix && !os.exists(expected_out_path) {
338 os.create(expected_out_path) or { panic(err) }
339 }
340 mut expected := os.read_file(expected_out_path) or { panic(err) }
341 task.expected = clean_line_endings(expected)
342 task.found___ = clean_line_endings(res.output)
343 $if windows {
344 if task.is_module {
345 task.found___ = task.found___.replace_once('\\', '/')
346 }
347 }
348 if task.expected != task.found___ {
349 task.is_error = true
350 if should_autofix {
351 os.write_file(expected_out_path, res.output) or { panic(err) }
352 }
353 }
356fn clean_line_endings(s string) string {
357 mut res := s.trim_space()
358 res = res.replace(' \n', '\n')
359 res = res.replace(' \r\n', '\n')
360 res = res.replace('\r\n', '\n')
361 res = res.trim('\n')
362 return res
365fn diff_content(expected string, found string) {
366 diff_cmd := diff.find_working_diff_command() or { return }
367 println(term.bold(term.yellow('diff: ')))
368 println(diff.color_compare_strings(diff_cmd, rand.ulid(), expected, found))
369 println('============\n')
372fn get_tests_in_dir(dir string, is_module bool) []string {
373 files := os.ls(dir) or { panic(err) }
374 mut tests := files.clone()
375 if !is_module {
376 tests = files.filter(it.ends_with('.vv'))
377 } else {
378 tests = files.filter(!it.ends_with('.out'))
379 }
380 tests.sort()
381 return tests