v / vlib / vweb
Raw file | 1147 loc (1036 sloc) | 20.74 KB | Latest commit hash 9f1239c56
1// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
3// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4module vweb
6import os
7import io
8import runtime
9import net
10import net.http
11import net.urllib
12import time
13import json
14import encoding.html
15import context
17// A type which don't get filtered inside templates
18pub type RawHtml = string
20// A dummy structure that returns from routes to indicate that you actually sent something to a user
22pub struct Result {}
24pub const (
25 methods_with_form = [http.Method.post, .put, .patch]
26 headers_close = http.new_custom_header_from_map({
27 'Server': 'VWeb'
28 http.CommonHeader.connection.str(): 'close'
29 }) or { panic('should never fail') }
31 http_302 = http.new_response(
32 status: .found
33 body: '302 Found'
34 header: headers_close
35 )
36 http_400 = http.new_response(
37 status: .bad_request
38 body: '400 Bad Request'
39 header: http.new_header(
40 key: .content_type
41 value: 'text/plain'
42 ).join(headers_close)
43 )
44 http_404 = http.new_response(
45 status: .not_found
46 body: '404 Not Found'
47 header: http.new_header(
48 key: .content_type
49 value: 'text/plain'
50 ).join(headers_close)
51 )
52 http_500 = http.new_response(
53 status: .internal_server_error
54 body: '500 Internal Server Error'
55 header: http.new_header(
56 key: .content_type
57 value: 'text/plain'
58 ).join(headers_close)
59 )
60 mime_types = {
61 '.aac': 'audio/aac'
62 '.abw': 'application/x-abiword'
63 '.arc': 'application/x-freearc'
64 '.avi': 'video/x-msvideo'
65 '.azw': 'application/vnd.amazon.ebook'
66 '.bin': 'application/octet-stream'
67 '.bmp': 'image/bmp'
68 '.bz': 'application/x-bzip'
69 '.bz2': 'application/x-bzip2'
70 '.cda': 'application/x-cdf'
71 '.csh': 'application/x-csh'
72 '.css': 'text/css'
73 '.csv': 'text/csv'
74 '.doc': 'application/msword'
75 '.docx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'
76 '.eot': 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject'
77 '.epub': 'application/epub+zip'
78 '.gz': 'application/gzip'
79 '.gif': 'image/gif'
80 '.htm': 'text/html'
81 '.html': 'text/html'
82 '.ico': 'image/vnd.microsoft.icon'
83 '.ics': 'text/calendar'
84 '.jar': 'application/java-archive'
85 '.jpeg': 'image/jpeg'
86 '.jpg': 'image/jpeg'
87 '.js': 'text/javascript'
88 '.json': 'application/json'
89 '.jsonld': 'application/ld+json'
90 '.mid': 'audio/midi audio/x-midi'
91 '.midi': 'audio/midi audio/x-midi'
92 '.mjs': 'text/javascript'
93 '.mp3': 'audio/mpeg'
94 '.mp4': 'video/mp4'
95 '.mpeg': 'video/mpeg'
96 '.mpkg': 'application/vnd.apple.installer+xml'
97 '.odp': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation'
98 '.ods': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'
99 '.odt': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text'
100 '.oga': 'audio/ogg'
101 '.ogv': 'video/ogg'
102 '.ogx': 'application/ogg'
103 '.opus': 'audio/opus'
104 '.otf': 'font/otf'
105 '.png': 'image/png'
106 '.pdf': 'application/pdf'
107 '.php': 'application/x-httpd-php'
108 '.ppt': 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint'
109 '.pptx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'
110 '.rar': 'application/vnd.rar'
111 '.rtf': 'application/rtf'
112 '.sh': 'application/x-sh'
113 '.svg': 'image/svg+xml'
114 '.swf': 'application/x-shockwave-flash'
115 '.tar': 'application/x-tar'
116 '.tif': 'image/tiff'
117 '.tiff': 'image/tiff'
118 '.ts': 'video/mp2t'
119 '.ttf': 'font/ttf'
120 '.txt': 'text/plain'
121 '.vsd': 'application/vnd.visio'
122 '.wasm': 'application/wasm'
123 '.wav': 'audio/wav'
124 '.weba': 'audio/webm'
125 '.webm': 'video/webm'
126 '.webp': 'image/webp'
127 '.woff': 'font/woff'
128 '.woff2': 'font/woff2'
129 '.xhtml': 'application/xhtml+xml'
130 '.xls': 'application/vnd.ms-excel'
131 '.xlsx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'
132 '.xml': 'application/xml'
133 '.xul': 'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml'
134 '.zip': 'application/zip'
135 '.3gp': 'video/3gpp'
136 '.3g2': 'video/3gpp2'
137 '.7z': 'application/x-7z-compressed'
138 }
139 max_http_post_size = 1024 * 1024
140 default_port = 8080
143// The Context struct represents the Context which hold the HTTP request and response.
144// It has fields for the query, form, files.
145pub struct Context {
147 content_type string = 'text/plain'
148 status string = '200 OK'
149 ctx context.Context = context.EmptyContext{}
151 // HTTP Request
152 req http.Request
153 // TODO Response
154pub mut:
155 done bool
156 // time.ticks() from start of vweb connection handle.
157 // You can use it to determine how much time is spent on your request.
158 page_gen_start i64
159 // TCP connection to client.
160 // But beware, do not store it for further use, after request processing vweb will close connection.
161 conn &net.TcpConn = unsafe { nil }
162 static_files map[string]string
163 static_mime_types map[string]string
164 static_hosts map[string]string
165 // Map containing query params for the route.
166 // http://localhost:3000/index?q=vpm&order_by=desc => { 'q': 'vpm', 'order_by': 'desc' }
167 query map[string]string
168 // Multipart-form fields.
169 form map[string]string
170 // Files from multipart-form.
171 files map[string][]http.FileData
173 header http.Header // response headers
174 // ? It doesn't seem to be used anywhere
175 form_error string
176 livereload_poll_interval_ms int = 250
179struct FileData {
181 filename string
182 content_type string
183 data string
186struct Route {
187 methods []http.Method
188 path string
189 middleware string
190 host string
193// Defining this method is optional.
194// This method called at server start.
195// You can use it for initializing globals.
196pub fn (ctx Context) init_server() {
197 eprintln('init_server() has been deprecated, please init your web app in `fn main()`')
200// Defining this method is optional.
201// This method is called before every request (aka middleware).
202// You can use it for checking user session cookies or to add headers.
203pub fn (ctx Context) before_request() {}
205// TODO - test
206// vweb intern function
208pub fn (mut ctx Context) send_response_to_client(mimetype string, res string) bool {
209 if ctx.done {
210 return false
211 }
212 ctx.done = true
213 //
214 mut resp := http.Response{
215 body: res
216 }
217 $if vweb_livereload ? {
218 if mimetype == 'text/html' {
219 resp.body = res.replace('</html>', '<script src="/vweb_livereload/${vweb_livereload_server_start}/script.js"></script>\n</html>')
220 }
221 }
222 // build the header after the potential modification of resp.body from above
223 header := http.new_header_from_map({
224 http.CommonHeader.content_type: mimetype
225 http.CommonHeader.content_length: resp.body.len.str()
226 }).join(ctx.header)
227 resp.header = header.join(vweb.headers_close)
228 //
229 resp.set_version(.v1_1)
230 resp.set_status(http.status_from_int(ctx.status.int()))
231 send_string(mut ctx.conn, resp.bytestr()) or { return false }
232 return true
235// Response HTTP_OK with s as payload with content-type `text/html`
236pub fn (mut ctx Context) html(s string) Result {
237 ctx.send_response_to_client('text/html', s)
238 return Result{}
241// Response HTTP_OK with s as payload with content-type `text/plain`
242pub fn (mut ctx Context) text(s string) Result {
243 ctx.send_response_to_client('text/plain', s)
244 return Result{}
247// Response HTTP_OK with json_s as payload with content-type `application/json`
248pub fn (mut ctx Context) json[T](j T) Result {
249 json_s := json.encode(j)
250 ctx.send_response_to_client('application/json', json_s)
251 return Result{}
254// Response HTTP_OK with a pretty-printed JSON result
255pub fn (mut ctx Context) json_pretty[T](j T) Result {
256 json_s := json.encode_pretty(j)
257 ctx.send_response_to_client('application/json', json_s)
258 return Result{}
261// TODO - test
262// Response HTTP_OK with file as payload
263pub fn (mut ctx Context) file(f_path string) Result {
264 if !os.exists(f_path) {
265 eprintln('[vweb] file ${f_path} does not exist')
266 return ctx.not_found()
267 }
268 ext := os.file_ext(f_path)
269 data := os.read_file(f_path) or {
270 eprint(err.msg())
271 ctx.server_error(500)
272 return Result{}
273 }
274 content_type := vweb.mime_types[ext]
275 if content_type.len == 0 {
276 eprintln('[vweb] no MIME type found for extension ${ext}')
277 ctx.server_error(500)
278 } else {
279 ctx.send_response_to_client(content_type, data)
280 }
281 return Result{}
284// Response HTTP_OK with s as payload
285pub fn (mut ctx Context) ok(s string) Result {
286 ctx.send_response_to_client(ctx.content_type, s)
287 return Result{}
290// TODO - test
291// Response a server error
292pub fn (mut ctx Context) server_error(ecode int) Result {
293 $if debug {
294 eprintln('> ctx.server_error ecode: ${ecode}')
295 }
296 if ctx.done {
297 return Result{}
298 }
299 send_string(mut ctx.conn, vweb.http_500.bytestr()) or {}
300 return Result{}
303// Redirect to an url
304pub fn (mut ctx Context) redirect(url string) Result {
305 if ctx.done {
306 return Result{}
307 }
308 ctx.done = true
309 mut resp := vweb.http_302
310 resp.header = resp.header.join(ctx.header)
311 resp.header.add(.location, url)
312 send_string(mut ctx.conn, resp.bytestr()) or { return Result{} }
313 return Result{}
316// Send an not_found response
317pub fn (mut ctx Context) not_found() Result {
318 if ctx.done {
319 return Result{}
320 }
321 ctx.done = true
322 send_string(mut ctx.conn, vweb.http_404.bytestr()) or {}
323 return Result{}
326// TODO - test
327// Sets a cookie
328pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_cookie(cookie http.Cookie) {
329 cookie_raw := cookie.str()
330 if cookie_raw == '' {
331 eprintln('[vweb] error setting cookie: name of cookie is invalid')
332 return
333 }
334 ctx.add_header('Set-Cookie', cookie_raw)
337// Sets the response content type
338pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_content_type(typ string) {
339 ctx.content_type = typ
342// TODO - test
343// Sets a cookie with a `expire_date`
344pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_cookie_with_expire_date(key string, val string, expire_date time.Time) {
345 cookie := http.Cookie{
346 name: key
347 value: val
348 expires: expire_date
349 }
350 ctx.set_cookie(cookie)
353// Gets a cookie by a key
354pub fn (ctx &Context) get_cookie(key string) !string {
355 if value := ctx.req.cookies[key] {
356 return value
357 }
358 return error('Cookie not found')
361// TODO - test
362// Sets the response status
363pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_status(code int, desc string) {
364 if code < 100 || code > 599 {
365 ctx.status = '500 Internal Server Error'
366 } else {
367 ctx.status = '${code} ${desc}'
368 }
371// TODO - test
372// Adds an header to the response with key and val
373pub fn (mut ctx Context) add_header(key string, val string) {
374 ctx.header.add_custom(key, val) or {}
377// TODO - test
378// Returns the header data from the key
379pub fn (ctx &Context) get_header(key string) string {
380 return ctx.req.header.get_custom(key) or { '' }
383// set_value sets a value on the context
384pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_value(key context.Key, value context.Any) {
385 ctx.ctx = context.with_value(ctx.ctx, key, value)
388// get_value gets a value from the context
389pub fn (ctx &Context) get_value[T](key context.Key) ?T {
390 if val := ctx.ctx.value(key) {
391 match val {
392 T {
393 // `context.value()` always returns a reference
394 // if we send back `val` the returntype becomes `?&T` and this can be problematic
395 // for end users since they won't be able to do something like
396 // `app.get_value[string]('a') or { '' }
397 // since V expects the value in the or block to be of type `&string`.
398 // And if a reference was allowed it would enable mutating the context directly
399 return *val
400 }
401 else {}
402 }
403 }
404 return none
407pub type DatabasePool[T] = fn (tid int) T
409interface DbPoolInterface {
410 db_handle voidptr
412 db voidptr
415interface DbInterface {
417 db voidptr
420pub type Middleware = fn (mut Context) bool
422interface MiddlewareInterface {
423 middlewares map[string][]Middleware
426// Generate route structs for an app
427fn generate_routes[T](app &T) !map[string]Route {
428 // Parsing methods attributes
429 mut routes := map[string]Route{}
430 $for method in T.methods {
431 http_methods, route_path, middleware, host := parse_attrs(method.name, method.attrs) or {
432 return error('error parsing method attributes: ${err}')
433 }
435 routes[method.name] = Route{
436 methods: http_methods
437 path: route_path
438 middleware: middleware
439 host: host
440 }
441 }
442 return routes
445type ControllerHandler = fn (ctx Context, mut url urllib.URL, host string, tid int)
447pub struct ControllerPath {
449 path string
450 handler ControllerHandler = unsafe { nil }
451pub mut:
452 host string
455interface ControllerInterface {
456 controllers []&ControllerPath
459pub struct Controller {
460pub mut:
461 controllers []&ControllerPath
464// controller generates a new Controller for the main app
465pub fn controller[T](path string, global_app &T) &ControllerPath {
466 routes := generate_routes(global_app) or { panic(err.msg()) }
468 // generate struct with closure so the generic type is encapsulated in the closure
469 // no need to type `ControllerHandler` as generic since it's not needed for closures
470 return &ControllerPath{
471 path: path
472 handler: fn [global_app, path, routes] [T](ctx Context, mut url urllib.URL, host string, tid int) {
473 // request_app is freed in `handle_route`
474 mut request_app := new_request_app[T](global_app, ctx, tid)
475 // transform the url
476 url.path = url.path.all_after_first(path)
477 handle_route[T](mut request_app, url, host, &routes, tid)
478 }
479 }
482// controller_host generates a controller which only handles incoming requests from the `host` domain
483pub fn controller_host[T](host string, path string, global_app &T) &ControllerPath {
484 mut ctrl := controller(path, global_app)
485 ctrl.host = host
486 return ctrl
489// run - start a new VWeb server, listening to all available addresses, at the specified `port`
490pub fn run[T](global_app &T, port int) {
491 run_at[T](global_app, host: '', port: port, family: .ip6) or { panic(err.msg()) }
495pub struct RunParams {
496 family net.AddrFamily = .ip6 // use `family: .ip, host: 'localhost'` when you want it to bind only to
497 host string
498 port int = 8080
499 nr_workers int = runtime.nr_jobs()
500 pool_channel_slots int = 1000
501 show_startup_message bool = true
504// run_at - start a new VWeb server, listening only on a specific address `host`, at the specified `port`
505// Example: vweb.run_at(new_app(), vweb.RunParams{ host: 'localhost' port: 8099 family: .ip }) or { panic(err) }
507pub fn run_at[T](global_app &T, params RunParams) ! {
508 if params.port <= 0 || params.port > 65535 {
509 return error('invalid port number `${params.port}`, it should be between 1 and 65535')
510 }
511 if params.pool_channel_slots < 1 {
512 return error('invalid pool_channel_slots `${params.pool_channel_slots}`, it should be above 0, preferably higher than 10 x nr_workers')
513 }
514 if params.nr_workers < 1 {
515 return error('invalid nr_workers `${params.nr_workers}`, it should be above 0')
516 }
518 mut l := net.listen_tcp(params.family, '${params.host}:${params.port}') or {
519 ecode := err.code()
520 return error('failed to listen ${ecode} ${err}')
521 }
523 routes := generate_routes(global_app)!
524 // check duplicate routes in controllers
525 mut controllers_sorted := []&ControllerPath{}
526 $if T is ControllerInterface {
527 mut paths := []string{}
528 controllers_sorted = global_app.controllers.clone()
529 controllers_sorted.sort(a.path.len > b.path.len)
530 for controller in controllers_sorted {
531 if controller.host == '' {
532 if controller.path in paths {
533 return error('conflicting paths: duplicate controller handling the route "${controller.path}"')
534 }
535 paths << controller.path
536 }
537 }
538 for method_name, route in routes {
539 for controller_path in paths {
540 if route.path.starts_with(controller_path) {
541 return error('conflicting paths: method "${method_name}" with route "${route.path}" should be handled by the Controller of path "${controller_path}"')
542 }
543 }
544 }
545 }
547 host := if params.host == '' { 'localhost' } else { params.host }
548 if params.show_startup_message {
549 println('[Vweb] Running app on http://${host}:${params.port}/')
550 }
552 ch := chan &RequestParams{cap: params.pool_channel_slots}
553 mut ws := []thread{cap: params.nr_workers}
554 for worker_number in 0 .. params.nr_workers {
555 ws << new_worker[T](ch, worker_number)
556 }
557 if params.show_startup_message {
558 println('[Vweb] We have ${ws.len} workers')
559 }
560 flush_stdout()
562 // Forever accept every connection that comes, and
563 // pass it through the channel, to the thread pool:
564 for {
565 mut connection := l.accept_only() or {
566 // failures should not panic
567 eprintln('[vweb] accept() failed with error: ${err.msg()}')
568 continue
569 }
570 ch <- &RequestParams{
571 connection: connection
572 global_app: unsafe { global_app }
573 controllers: controllers_sorted
574 routes: &routes
575 }
576 }
579fn new_request_app[T](global_app &T, ctx Context, tid int) &T {
580 // Create a new app object for each connection, copy global data like db connections
581 mut request_app := &T{}
582 $if T is MiddlewareInterface {
583 request_app = &T{
584 middlewares: global_app.middlewares.clone()
585 }
586 }
588 $if T is DbPoolInterface {
589 // get database connection from the connection pool
590 request_app.db = global_app.db_handle(tid)
591 } $else $if T is DbInterface {
592 // copy a database to a app without pooling
593 request_app.db = global_app.db
594 }
596 $for field in T.fields {
597 if field.is_shared {
598 unsafe {
599 // TODO: remove this horrible hack, when copying a shared field at comptime works properly!!!
600 raptr := &voidptr(&request_app.$(field.name))
601 gaptr := &voidptr(&global_app.$(field.name))
602 *raptr = *gaptr
603 _ = raptr // TODO: v produces a warning that `raptr` is unused otherwise, even though it was on the previous line
604 }
605 } else {
606 if 'vweb_global' in field.attrs {
607 request_app.$(field.name) = global_app.$(field.name)
608 }
609 }
610 }
611 request_app.Context = ctx // copy request data such as form and query etc
613 // copy static files
614 request_app.Context.static_files = global_app.static_files.clone()
615 request_app.Context.static_mime_types = global_app.static_mime_types.clone()
616 request_app.Context.static_hosts = global_app.static_hosts.clone()
618 return request_app
622fn handle_conn[T](mut conn net.TcpConn, global_app &T, controllers []&ControllerPath, routes &map[string]Route, tid int) {
623 conn.set_read_timeout(30 * time.second)
624 conn.set_write_timeout(30 * time.second)
625 defer {
626 conn.close() or {}
627 }
629 conn.set_sock() or {
630 eprintln('[vweb] tid: ${tid:03d}, error setting socket')
631 return
632 }
634 mut reader := io.new_buffered_reader(reader: conn)
635 defer {
636 unsafe {
637 reader.free()
638 }
639 }
641 page_gen_start := time.ticks()
643 // Request parse
644 req := http.parse_request(mut reader) or {
645 // Prevents errors from being thrown when BufferedReader is empty
646 if '${err}' != 'none' {
647 eprintln('[vweb] tid: ${tid:03d}, error parsing request: ${err}')
648 }
649 return
650 }
651 $if trace_request ? {
652 dump(req)
653 }
654 $if trace_request_url ? {
655 dump(req.url)
656 }
657 // URL Parse
658 mut url := urllib.parse(req.url) or {
659 eprintln('[vweb] tid: ${tid:03d}, error parsing path: ${err}')
660 return
661 }
663 // Query parse
664 query := parse_query_from_url(url)
666 // Form parse
667 form, files := parse_form_from_request(req) or {
668 // Bad request
669 conn.write(vweb.http_400.bytes()) or {}
670 return
671 }
673 // remove the port from the HTTP Host header
674 host_with_port := req.header.get(.host) or { '' }
675 host, _ := urllib.split_host_port(host_with_port)
677 // Create Context with request data
678 ctx := Context{
679 ctx: context.background()
680 req: req
681 page_gen_start: page_gen_start
682 conn: conn
683 query: query
684 form: form
685 files: files
686 }
688 // match controller paths
689 $if T is ControllerInterface {
690 for controller in controllers {
691 // skip controller if the hosts don't match
692 if controller.host != '' && host != controller.host {
693 continue
694 }
695 if url.path.len >= controller.path.len && url.path.starts_with(controller.path) {
696 // pass route handling to the controller
697 controller.handler(ctx, mut url, host, tid)
698 return
699 }
700 }
701 }
703 mut request_app := new_request_app(global_app, ctx, tid)
704 handle_route(mut request_app, url, host, routes, tid)
708fn handle_route[T](mut app T, url urllib.URL, host string, routes &map[string]Route, tid int) {
709 defer {
710 unsafe {
711 free(app)
712 }
713 }
715 url_words := url.path.split('/').filter(it != '')
717 // Calling middleware...
718 app.before_request()
720 $if vweb_livereload ? {
721 if url.path.starts_with('/vweb_livereload/') {
722 if url.path.ends_with('current') {
723 app.handle_vweb_livereload_current()
724 return
725 }
726 if url.path.ends_with('script.js') {
727 app.handle_vweb_livereload_script()
728 return
729 }
730 }
731 }
733 // Static handling
734 if serve_if_static[T](mut app, url, host) {
735 // successfully served a static file
736 return
737 }
739 // Route matching
740 $for method in T.methods {
741 $if method.return_type is Result {
742 route := (*routes)[method.name] or {
743 eprintln('[vweb] tid: ${tid:03d}, parsed attributes for the `${method.name}` are not found, skipping...')
744 Route{}
745 }
747 // Skip if the HTTP request method does not match the attributes
748 if app.req.method in route.methods {
749 // Used for route matching
750 route_words := route.path.split('/').filter(it != '')
752 // Skip if the host does not match or is empty
753 if route.host == '' || route.host == host {
754 // Route immediate matches first
755 // For example URL `/register` matches route `/:user`, but `fn register()`
756 // should be called first.
757 if !route.path.contains('/:') && url_words == route_words {
758 // We found a match
759 $if T is MiddlewareInterface {
760 if validate_middleware(mut app, url.path) == false {
761 return
762 }
763 }
765 if app.req.method == .post && method.args.len > 0 {
766 // Populate method args with form values
767 mut args := []string{cap: method.args.len}
768 for param in method.args {
769 args << app.form[param.name]
770 }
772 if route.middleware == '' {
773 app.$method(args)
774 } else if validate_app_middleware(mut app, route.middleware,
775 method.name)
776 {
777 app.$method(args)
778 }
779 } else {
780 if route.middleware == '' {
781 app.$method()
782 } else if validate_app_middleware(mut app, route.middleware,
783 method.name)
784 {
785 app.$method()
786 }
787 }
788 return
789 }
791 if url_words.len == 0 && route_words == ['index'] && method.name == 'index' {
792 $if T is MiddlewareInterface {
793 if validate_middleware(mut app, url.path) == false {
794 return
795 }
796 }
797 if route.middleware == '' {
798 app.$method()
799 } else if validate_app_middleware(mut app, route.middleware, method.name) {
800 app.$method()
801 }
802 return
803 }
805 if params := route_matches(url_words, route_words) {
806 method_args := params.clone()
807 if method_args.len != method.args.len {
808 eprintln('[vweb] tid: ${tid:03d}, warning: uneven parameters count (${method.args.len}) in `${method.name}`, compared to the vweb route `${method.attrs}` (${method_args.len})')
809 }
811 $if T is MiddlewareInterface {
812 if validate_middleware(mut app, url.path) == false {
813 return
814 }
815 }
816 if route.middleware == '' {
817 app.$method(method_args)
818 } else if validate_app_middleware(mut app, route.middleware, method.name) {
819 app.$method(method_args)
820 }
821 return
822 }
823 }
824 }
825 }
826 }
827 // Route not found
828 app.not_found()
831// validate_middleware validates and fires all middlewares that are defined in the global app instance
832fn validate_middleware[T](mut app T, full_path string) bool {
833 for path, middleware_chain in app.middlewares {
834 // only execute middleware if route.path starts with `path`
835 if full_path.len >= path.len && full_path.starts_with(path) {
836 // there is middleware for this route
837 for func in middleware_chain {
838 if func(mut app.Context) == false {
839 return false
840 }
841 }
842 }
843 }
844 // passed all middleware checks
845 return true
848// validate_app_middleware validates all middlewares as a method of `app`
849fn validate_app_middleware[T](mut app T, middleware string, method_name string) bool {
850 // then the middleware that is defined for this route specifically
851 valid := fire_app_middleware(mut app, middleware) or {
852 eprintln('[vweb] warning: middleware `${middleware}` for the `${method_name}` are not found')
853 true
854 }
855 return valid
858// fire_app_middleware fires all middlewares that are defined as a method of `app`
859fn fire_app_middleware[T](mut app T, method_name string) ?bool {
860 $for method in T.methods {
861 if method_name == method.name {
862 $if method.return_type is bool {
863 return app.$method()
864 } $else {
865 eprintln('[vweb] error in `${method.name}, middleware functions must return bool')
866 return none
867 }
868 }
869 }
870 // no middleware function found
871 return none
874fn route_matches(url_words []string, route_words []string) ?[]string {
875 // URL path should be at least as long as the route path
876 // except for the catchall route (`/:path...`)
877 if route_words.len == 1 && route_words[0].starts_with(':') && route_words[0].ends_with('...') {
878 return ['/' + url_words.join('/')]
879 }
880 if url_words.len < route_words.len {
881 return none
882 }
884 mut params := []string{cap: url_words.len}
885 if url_words.len == route_words.len {
886 for i in 0 .. url_words.len {
887 if route_words[i].starts_with(':') {
888 // We found a path paramater
889 params << url_words[i]
890 } else if route_words[i] != url_words[i] {
891 // This url does not match the route
892 return none
893 }
894 }
895 return params
896 }
898 // The last route can end with ... indicating an array
899 if route_words.len == 0 || !route_words[route_words.len - 1].ends_with('...') {
900 return none
901 }
903 for i in 0 .. route_words.len - 1 {
904 if route_words[i].starts_with(':') {
905 // We found a path paramater
906 params << url_words[i]
907 } else if route_words[i] != url_words[i] {
908 // This url does not match the route
909 return none
910 }
911 }
912 params << url_words[route_words.len - 1..url_words.len].join('/')
913 return params
916// check if request is for a static file and serves it
917// returns true if we served a static file, false otherwise
919fn serve_if_static[T](mut app T, url urllib.URL, host string) bool {
920 // TODO: handle url parameters properly - for now, ignore them
921 static_file := app.static_files[url.path] or { return false }
922 mime_type := app.static_mime_types[url.path] or { return false }
923 static_host := app.static_hosts[url.path] or { '' }
924 if static_file == '' || mime_type == '' {
925 return false
926 }
927 if static_host != '' && static_host != host {
928 return false
929 }
930 data := os.read_file(static_file) or {
931 send_string(mut app.conn, vweb.http_404.bytestr()) or {}
932 return true
933 }
934 app.send_response_to_client(mime_type, data)
935 unsafe { data.free() }
936 return true
939fn (mut ctx Context) scan_static_directory(directory_path string, mount_path string, host string) {
940 files := os.ls(directory_path) or { panic(err) }
941 if files.len > 0 {
942 for file in files {
943 full_path := os.join_path(directory_path, file)
944 if os.is_dir(full_path) {
945 ctx.scan_static_directory(full_path, mount_path.trim_right('/') + '/' + file,
946 host)
947 } else if file.contains('.') && !file.starts_with('.') && !file.ends_with('.') {
948 ext := os.file_ext(file)
949 // Rudimentary guard against adding files not in mime_types.
950 // Use host_serve_static directly to add non-standard mime types.
951 if ext in vweb.mime_types {
952 ctx.host_serve_static(host, mount_path.trim_right('/') + '/' + file,
953 full_path)
954 }
955 }
956 }
957 }
960// handle_static is used to mark a folder (relative to the current working folder)
961// as one that contains only static resources (css files, images etc).
962// If `root` is set the mount path for the dir will be in '/'
963// Usage:
964// ```v
965// os.chdir( os.executable() )?
966// app.handle_static('assets', true)
967// ```
968pub fn (mut ctx Context) handle_static(directory_path string, root bool) bool {
969 return ctx.host_handle_static('', directory_path, root)
972// host_handle_static is used to mark a folder (relative to the current working folder)
973// as one that contains only static resources (css files, images etc).
974// If `root` is set the mount path for the dir will be in '/'
975// Usage:
976// ```v
977// os.chdir( os.executable() )?
978// app.host_handle_static('localhost', 'assets', true)
979// ```
980pub fn (mut ctx Context) host_handle_static(host string, directory_path string, root bool) bool {
981 if ctx.done || !os.exists(directory_path) {
982 return false
983 }
984 dir_path := directory_path.trim_space().trim_right('/')
985 mut mount_path := ''
986 if dir_path != '.' && os.is_dir(dir_path) && !root {
987 // Mount point hygene, "./assets" => "/assets".
988 mount_path = '/' + dir_path.trim_left('.').trim('/')
989 }
990 ctx.scan_static_directory(dir_path, mount_path, host)
991 return true
994// TODO - test
995// mount_static_folder_at - makes all static files in `directory_path` and inside it, available at http://server/mount_path
996// For example: suppose you have called .mount_static_folder_at('/var/share/myassets', '/assets'),
997// and you have a file /var/share/myassets/main.css .
998// => That file will be available at URL: http://server/assets/main.css .
999pub fn (mut ctx Context) mount_static_folder_at(directory_path string, mount_path string) bool {
1000 return ctx.host_mount_static_folder_at('', directory_path, mount_path)
1003// TODO - test
1004// host_mount_static_folder_at - makes all static files in `directory_path` and inside it, available at http://host/mount_path
1005// For example: suppose you have called .host_mount_static_folder_at('localhost', '/var/share/myassets', '/assets'),
1006// and you have a file /var/share/myassets/main.css .
1007// => That file will be available at URL: http://localhost/assets/main.css .
1008pub fn (mut ctx Context) host_mount_static_folder_at(host string, directory_path string, mount_path string) bool {
1009 if ctx.done || mount_path.len < 1 || mount_path[0] != `/` || !os.exists(directory_path) {
1010 return false
1011 }
1012 dir_path := directory_path.trim_right('/')
1014 trim_mount_path := mount_path.trim_left('/').trim_right('/')
1015 ctx.scan_static_directory(dir_path, '/${trim_mount_path}', host)
1016 return true
1019// TODO - test
1020// Serves a file static
1021// `url` is the access path on the site, `file_path` is the real path to the file, `mime_type` is the file type
1022pub fn (mut ctx Context) serve_static(url string, file_path string) {
1023 ctx.host_serve_static('', url, file_path)
1026// TODO - test
1027// Serves a file static
1028// `url` is the access path on the site, `file_path` is the real path to the file
1029// `mime_type` is the file type, `host` is the host to serve the file from
1030pub fn (mut ctx Context) host_serve_static(host string, url string, file_path string) {
1031 ctx.static_files[url] = file_path
1032 // ctx.static_mime_types[url] = mime_type
1033 ext := os.file_ext(file_path)
1034 ctx.static_mime_types[url] = vweb.mime_types[ext]
1035 ctx.static_hosts[url] = host
1038// user_agent returns the user-agent header for the current client
1039pub fn (ctx &Context) user_agent() string {
1040 return ctx.req.header.get(.user_agent) or { '' }
1043// Returns the ip address from the current user
1044pub fn (ctx &Context) ip() string {
1045 mut ip := ctx.req.header.get(.x_forwarded_for) or { '' }
1046 if ip == '' {
1047 ip = ctx.req.header.get_custom('X-Real-Ip') or { '' }
1048 }
1050 if ip.contains(',') {
1051 ip = ip.all_before(',')
1052 }
1053 if ip == '' {
1054 ip = ctx.conn.peer_ip() or { '' }
1055 }
1056 return ip
1059// Set s to the form error
1060pub fn (mut ctx Context) error(s string) {
1061 eprintln('[vweb] Context.error: ${s}')
1062 ctx.form_error = s
1065// Returns an empty result
1066pub fn not_found() Result {
1067 return Result{}
1070fn send_string(mut conn net.TcpConn, s string) ! {
1071 $if trace_send_string_conn ? {
1072 eprintln('> send_string: conn: ${ptr_str(conn)}')
1073 }
1074 $if trace_response ? {
1075 eprintln('> send_string:\n${s}\n')
1076 }
1077 if voidptr(conn) == unsafe { nil } {
1078 return error('connection was closed before send_string')
1079 }
1080 conn.write_string(s)!
1083// Do not delete.
1084// It used by `vlib/v/gen/c/str_intp.v:130` for string interpolation inside vweb templates
1085// TODO: move it to template render
1086fn filter(s string) string {
1087 return html.escape(s)
1090// Worker functions for the thread pool:
1091struct RequestParams {
1092 global_app voidptr
1093 controllers []&ControllerPath
1094 routes &map[string]Route
1096 connection &net.TcpConn
1099struct Worker[T] {
1100 id int
1101 ch chan &RequestParams
1104fn new_worker[T](ch chan &RequestParams, id int) thread {
1105 mut w := &Worker[T]{
1106 id: id
1107 ch: ch
1108 }
1109 return spawn w.process_incomming_requests[T]()
1112fn (mut w Worker[T]) process_incomming_requests() {
1113 sid := '[vweb] tid: ${w.id:03d} received request'
1114 for {
1115 mut params := <-w.ch or { break }
1116 $if vweb_trace_worker_scan ? {
1117 eprintln(sid)
1118 }
1119 handle_conn[T](mut params.connection, params.global_app, params.controllers, params.routes,
1120 w.id)
1121 }
1122 $if vweb_trace_worker_scan ? {
1123 eprintln('[vweb] closing worker ${w.id}.')
1124 }
1128pub struct PoolParams[T] {
1129 handler fn () T [required] = unsafe { nil }
1130 nr_workers int = runtime.nr_jobs()
1133// database_pool creates a pool of database connections
1134pub fn database_pool[T](params PoolParams[T]) DatabasePool[T] {
1135 mut connections := []T{}
1136 // create a database connection for each worker
1137 for _ in 0 .. params.nr_workers {
1138 connections << params.handler()
1139 }
1141 return fn [connections] [T](tid int) T {
1142 $if vweb_trace_worker_scan ? {
1143 eprintln('[vweb] worker ${tid} received database connection')
1144 }
1145 return connections[tid]
1146 }