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1 // version, status code, and reason phrase
2 fn parse_status_line(line string) !(string, int, string) {
3 if line.len < 5 || line[..5].to_lower() != 'http/' {
4- return error('response does not start with HTTP/')
5+ return error('response does not start with HTTP/, line: `${line}`')
6 }
7 data := line.split_nth(' ', 3)
8 if data.len != 3 {
9- return error('expected at least 3 tokens')
10+ return error('expected at least 3 tokens, but found: ${data.len}')
11 }
12 version := data[0].substr(5, data[0].len)
13 // validate version is 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT
14 digits := version.split_nth('.', 3)
15 if digits.len != 2 {
16- return error('HTTP version malformed')
17+ return error('HTTP version malformed, found: `${digits}`')
18 }
19 for digit in digits {
20- strconv.atoi(digit) or { return error('HTTP version must contain only integers') }
21+ strconv.atoi(digit) or {
22+ return error('HTTP version must contain only integers, found: `${digit}`')
23+ }
24 }
25 return version, strconv.atoi(data[1])!, data[2]
26 }