env: LANG: en_US.UTF-8 freebsd_instance: image_family: freebsd-13-0 ## Note: all tasks should end with _script: here, otherwise they will not be picked up! freebsd_task: name: FreeBSD Code CI timeout_in: 31m skip: "!changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', '**.{v,vsh}', '**.c', '**.h')" install_script: pkg install -y git diagnose_env_script: | ## env ## CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR is /tmp/cirrus-ci-build pwd ls -la whoami git log -n1 echo 'number of detected processors:' getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN build_script: | echo 'Building local V' cc --version make CFLAGS= build_fast_script: | ##.github/workflows/freebsd_build_tcc.sh ##tcc -v -v echo 'Build cmd/tools/fast' cd cmd/tools/fast && ../../../v fast.v ## && ./fast -clang test_math_script: | echo 'Test the math module' ./v test vlib/math test_math_pure_v_script: | echo 'Test the math module, using only the pure V versions, without the .c.v overrides' ./v -exclude @vlib/math/*.c.v test vlib/math test_zip_modules_script: | echo 'Test modules using thirdparty/zip' ./v test vlib/compress/ vlib/szip/ test_self_script: | echo 'Run test-self' VTEST_JUST_ESSENTIAL=1 ./v test-self