# ignore sub-level build binaries and v binary */**/* v v.exe v2 v2.exe vdbg vdbg.exe !*/ !*.* *.exe *.o *.so .*.c *.tmp.c *.obj *.exp *.ilk *.pdb *.dll *.lib *.bak *.dylib a.out .noprefix.vrepl_temp # ignore v build files /vc /v.c /v.*.c /v.c.out /v_old /v_old.exe /vold /vold.exe /vnew /vnew.exe .vrepl_temp.v fns.txt .noprefix.vrepl_temp.v # ignore temp directories /temp /tmp # unignore special files without extension !.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE !.editorconfig !.gitattributes !.gitignore !BSDmakefile !Dockerfile !Dockerfile.alpine !Dockerfile.cross !LICENSE !Makefile !GNUmakefile # ignore editor files .idea .project .classpath .c9 .vs *.launch .settings/ *.sublime-workspace .vscode/ *.code-workspace *~ *.swp *.swo *.swn .env # ignore debugger files cachegrind.out.* .gdb_history *.dSYM *.def vgcore.* # ignore system files .DS_Store ._* thumbs.db /.symlink /.bin _docs # ignore vs databases *.suo *.VC.db *.rsp # ignore cmd/tools/.disable_autorecompilation, which some package managers use. cmd/tools/.disable_autorecompilation test.bin # ignore codespace env .venv/ .direnv/ shell.nix default.nix flake.nix .envrc # generated by thirdparty/stdatomic/nix/cpp/gen.v thirdparty/stdatomic/nix/cpp/*.h # ignore thirdparty libs that are distributed separately thirdparty/binaryen* thirdparty/wabt* thirdparty/tcc/ thirdparty/sqlite/ # ignore VLS log vls.log # ignore v2go tmperror files *.tmperr */**/tmp.* # ignore Intellij files .idea/ /*.iml wasm.v