v / cmd / tools
Raw file | 358 loc (342 sloc) | 10.32 KB | Latest commit hash 2029d1830
1// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
3// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
4module main
6import os
7import os.cmdline
8import rand
9import term
10import v.ast
11import v.pref
12import v.fmt
13import v.util
14import v.util.diff
15import v.parser
16import v.help
18struct FormatOptions {
19 is_l bool
20 is_c bool // Note: This refers to the '-c' fmt flag, NOT the C backend
21 is_w bool
22 is_diff bool
23 is_verbose bool
24 is_all bool
25 is_debug bool
26 is_noerror bool
27 is_verify bool // exit(1) if the file is not vfmt'ed
28 is_worker bool // true *only* in the worker processes. Note: workers can crash.
29 is_backup bool // make a `file.v.bak` copy *before* overwriting a `file.v` in place with `-w`
31 diff_cmd string // filled in when -diff or -verify is passed
34const (
35 formatted_file_token = '\@\@\@' + 'FORMATTED_FILE: '
36 vtmp_folder = os.vtmp_dir()
37 term_colors = term.can_show_color_on_stderr()
40fn main() {
41 // if os.getenv('VFMT_ENABLE') == '' {
42 // eprintln('v fmt is disabled for now')
43 // exit(1)
44 // }
45 toolexe := os.executable()
46 util.set_vroot_folder(os.dir(os.dir(os.dir(toolexe))))
47 args := util.join_env_vflags_and_os_args()
48 mut foptions := FormatOptions{
49 is_c: '-c' in args
50 is_l: '-l' in args
51 is_w: '-w' in args
52 is_diff: '-diff' in args
53 is_verbose: '-verbose' in args || '--verbose' in args
54 is_all: '-all' in args || '--all' in args
55 is_worker: '-worker' in args
56 is_debug: '-debug' in args
57 is_noerror: '-noerror' in args
58 is_verify: '-verify' in args
59 is_backup: '-backup' in args
60 }
61 if term_colors {
62 os.setenv('VCOLORS', 'always', true)
63 }
64 foptions.vlog('vfmt foptions: ${foptions}')
65 if foptions.is_worker {
66 // -worker should be added by a parent vfmt process.
67 // We launch a sub process for each file because
68 // the v compiler can do an early exit if it detects
69 // a syntax error, but we want to process ALL passed
70 // files if possible.
71 foptions.format_file(cmdline.option(args, '-worker', ''))
72 exit(0)
73 }
74 // we are NOT a worker at this stage, i.e. we are a parent vfmt process
75 possible_files := cmdline.only_non_options(cmdline.options_after(args, ['fmt']))
76 if foptions.is_verbose {
77 eprintln('vfmt toolexe: ${toolexe}')
78 eprintln('vfmt args: ' + os.args.str())
79 eprintln('vfmt env_vflags_and_os_args: ' + args.str())
80 eprintln('vfmt possible_files: ' + possible_files.str())
81 }
82 files := util.find_all_v_files(possible_files) or {
83 verror(err.msg())
84 return
85 }
86 if os.is_atty(0) == 0 && files.len == 0 {
87 foptions.format_pipe()
88 exit(0)
89 }
90 if files.len == 0 || '-help' in args || '--help' in args {
91 help.print_and_exit('fmt')
92 exit(0)
93 }
94 mut cli_args_no_files := []string{}
95 for idx, a in os.args {
96 if idx == 0 {
97 cli_args_no_files << os.quoted_path(a)
98 continue
99 }
100 if a !in files {
101 cli_args_no_files << a
102 }
103 }
104 mut errors := 0
105 for file in files {
106 fpath := os.real_path(file)
107 mut worker_command_array := cli_args_no_files.clone()
108 worker_command_array << ['-worker', util.quote_path(fpath)]
109 worker_cmd := worker_command_array.join(' ')
110 foptions.vlog('vfmt worker_cmd: ${worker_cmd}')
111 worker_result := os.execute(worker_cmd)
112 // Guard against a possibly crashing worker process.
113 if worker_result.exit_code != 0 {
114 eprintln(worker_result.output)
115 if worker_result.exit_code == 1 {
116 eprintln('Internal vfmt error while formatting file: ${file}.')
117 }
118 errors++
119 continue
120 }
121 if worker_result.output.len > 0 {
122 if worker_result.output.contains(formatted_file_token) {
123 wresult := worker_result.output.split(formatted_file_token)
124 formatted_warn_errs := wresult[0]
125 formatted_file_path := wresult[1].trim_right('\n\r')
126 foptions.post_process_file(fpath, formatted_file_path) or { errors = errors + 1 }
127 if formatted_warn_errs.len > 0 {
128 eprintln(formatted_warn_errs)
129 }
130 continue
131 }
132 }
133 errors++
134 }
135 if errors > 0 {
136 eprintln('Encountered a total of: ${errors} errors.')
137 if foptions.is_noerror {
138 exit(0)
139 }
140 if foptions.is_verify {
141 exit(1)
142 }
143 if foptions.is_c {
144 exit(2)
145 }
146 exit(1)
147 }
150fn setup_preferences_and_table() (&pref.Preferences, &ast.Table) {
151 table := ast.new_table()
152 mut prefs := pref.new_preferences()
153 prefs.is_fmt = true
154 prefs.skip_warnings = true
155 return prefs, table
158fn (foptions &FormatOptions) vlog(msg string) {
159 if foptions.is_verbose {
160 eprintln(msg)
161 }
164fn (foptions &FormatOptions) format_file(file string) {
165 foptions.vlog('vfmt2 running fmt.fmt over file: ${file}')
166 prefs, table := setup_preferences_and_table()
167 file_ast := parser.parse_file(file, table, .parse_comments, prefs)
168 // checker.new_checker(table, prefs).check(file_ast)
169 formatted_content := fmt.fmt(file_ast, table, prefs, foptions.is_debug)
170 file_name := os.file_name(file)
171 ulid := rand.ulid()
172 vfmt_output_path := os.join_path(vtmp_folder, 'vfmt_${ulid}_${file_name}')
173 os.write_file(vfmt_output_path, formatted_content) or { panic(err) }
174 foptions.vlog('fmt.fmt worked and ${formatted_content.len} bytes were written to ${vfmt_output_path} .')
175 eprintln('${formatted_file_token}${vfmt_output_path}')
178fn (foptions &FormatOptions) format_pipe() {
179 foptions.vlog('vfmt2 running fmt.fmt over stdin')
180 prefs, table := setup_preferences_and_table()
181 input_text := os.get_raw_lines_joined()
182 file_ast := parser.parse_text(input_text, '', table, .parse_comments, prefs)
183 // checker.new_checker(table, prefs).check(file_ast)
184 formatted_content := fmt.fmt(file_ast, table, prefs, foptions.is_debug, source_text: input_text)
185 print(formatted_content)
186 flush_stdout()
187 foptions.vlog('fmt.fmt worked and ${formatted_content.len} bytes were written to stdout.')
190fn print_compiler_options(compiler_params &pref.Preferences) {
191 eprintln(' os: ' + compiler_params.os.str())
192 eprintln(' ccompiler: ${compiler_params.ccompiler}')
193 eprintln(' path: ${compiler_params.path} ')
194 eprintln(' out_name: ${compiler_params.out_name} ')
195 eprintln(' vroot: ${compiler_params.vroot} ')
196 eprintln('lookup_path: ${compiler_params.lookup_path} ')
197 eprintln(' out_name: ${compiler_params.out_name} ')
198 eprintln(' cflags: ${compiler_params.cflags} ')
199 eprintln(' is_test: ${compiler_params.is_test} ')
200 eprintln(' is_script: ${compiler_params.is_script} ')
203fn (mut foptions FormatOptions) find_diff_cmd() string {
204 if foptions.diff_cmd != '' {
205 return foptions.diff_cmd
206 }
207 if foptions.is_verify || foptions.is_diff {
208 foptions.diff_cmd = diff.find_working_diff_command() or {
209 eprintln(err)
210 exit(1)
211 }
212 }
213 return foptions.diff_cmd
216fn (mut foptions FormatOptions) post_process_file(file string, formatted_file_path string) ! {
217 if formatted_file_path.len == 0 {
218 return
219 }
220 fc := os.read_file(file) or {
221 eprintln('File ${file} could not be read')
222 return
223 }
224 formatted_fc := os.read_file(formatted_file_path) or {
225 eprintln('File ${formatted_file_path} could not be read')
226 return
227 }
228 is_formatted_different := fc != formatted_fc
229 if foptions.is_diff {
230 if !is_formatted_different {
231 return
232 }
233 diff_cmd := foptions.find_diff_cmd()
234 foptions.vlog('Using diff command: ${diff_cmd}')
235 diff_ := diff.color_compare_files(diff_cmd, file, formatted_file_path)
236 if diff_.len > 0 {
237 println(diff_)
238 }
239 return
240 }
241 if foptions.is_verify {
242 if !is_formatted_different {
243 return
244 }
245 println("${file} is not vfmt'ed")
246 return error('')
247 }
248 if foptions.is_c {
249 if is_formatted_different {
250 eprintln('File is not formatted: ${file}')
251 return error('')
252 }
253 return
254 }
255 if foptions.is_l {
256 if is_formatted_different {
257 eprintln('File needs formatting: ${file}')
258 }
259 return
260 }
261 if foptions.is_w {
262 if is_formatted_different {
263 if foptions.is_backup {
264 file_bak := '${file}.bak'
265 os.cp(file, file_bak) or {}
266 }
267 mut perms_to_restore := u32(0)
268 $if !windows {
269 fm := os.inode(file)
270 perms_to_restore = fm.bitmask()
271 }
272 os.mv_by_cp(formatted_file_path, file) or { panic(err) }
273 $if !windows {
274 os.chmod(file, int(perms_to_restore)) or { panic(err) }
275 }
276 eprintln('Reformatted file: ${file}')
277 } else {
278 eprintln('Already formatted file: ${file}')
279 }
280 return
281 }
282 print(formatted_fc)
283 flush_stdout()
286fn (f FormatOptions) str() string {
287 return
288 'FormatOptions{ is_l: ${f.is_l}, is_w: ${f.is_w}, is_diff: ${f.is_diff}, is_verbose: ${f.is_verbose},' +
289 ' is_all: ${f.is_all}, is_worker: ${f.is_worker}, is_debug: ${f.is_debug}, is_noerror: ${f.is_noerror},' +
290 ' is_verify: ${f.is_verify}" }'
293fn file_to_mod_name_and_is_module_file(file string) (string, bool) {
294 mut mod_name := 'main'
295 mut is_module_file := false
296 flines := read_source_lines(file) or { return mod_name, is_module_file }
297 for fline in flines {
298 line := fline.trim_space()
299 if line.starts_with('module ') {
300 if !line.starts_with('module main') {
301 is_module_file = true
302 mod_name = line.replace('module ', ' ').trim_space()
303 }
304 break
305 }
306 }
307 return mod_name, is_module_file
310fn read_source_lines(file string) ![]string {
311 source_lines := os.read_lines(file) or { return error('can not read ${file}') }
312 return source_lines
315fn get_compile_name_of_potential_v_project(file string) string {
316 // This function get_compile_name_of_potential_v_project returns:
317 // a) the file's folder, if file is part of a v project
318 // b) the file itself, if the file is a standalone v program
319 pfolder := os.real_path(os.dir(file))
320 // a .v project has many 'module main' files in one folder
321 // if there is only one .v file, then it must be a standalone
322 all_files_in_pfolder := os.ls(pfolder) or { panic(err) }
323 mut vfiles := []string{}
324 for f in all_files_in_pfolder {
325 vf := os.join_path(pfolder, f)
326 if f.starts_with('.') || !f.ends_with('.v') || os.is_dir(vf) {
327 continue
328 }
329 vfiles << vf
330 }
331 if vfiles.len == 1 {
332 return file
333 }
334 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
335 // At this point, we know there are many .v files in the folder
336 // We will have to read them all, and if there are more than one
337 // containing `fn main` then the folder contains multiple standalone
338 // v programs. If only one contains `fn main` then the folder is
339 // a project folder, that should be compiled with `v pfolder`.
340 mut main_fns := 0
341 for f in vfiles {
342 slines := read_source_lines(f) or { panic(err) }
343 for line in slines {
344 if line.contains('fn main()') {
345 main_fns++
346 if main_fns > 1 {
347 return file
348 }
349 }
350 }
351 }
352 return pfolder
356fn verror(s string) {
357 util.verror('vfmt error', s)