v / vlib / math
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1module math
3import math.internal
5const (
6 f64_max_exp = f64(1024)
7 f64_min_exp = f64(-1021)
8 threshold = 7.09782712893383973096e+02 // 0x40862E42FEFA39EF
9 ln2_x56 = 3.88162421113569373274e+01 // 0x4043687a9f1af2b1
10 ln2_halfx3 = 1.03972077083991796413e+00 // 0x3ff0a2b23f3bab73
11 ln2_half = 3.46573590279972654709e-01 // 0x3fd62e42fefa39ef
12 ln2hi = 6.93147180369123816490e-01 // 0x3fe62e42fee00000
13 ln2lo = 1.90821492927058770002e-10 // 0x3dea39ef35793c76
14 inv_ln2 = 1.44269504088896338700e+00 // 0x3ff71547652b82fe
15 // scaled coefficients related to expm1
16 expm1_q1 = -3.33333333333331316428e-02 // 0xBFA11111111110F4
17 expm1_q2 = 1.58730158725481460165e-03 // 0x3F5A01A019FE5585
18 expm1_q3 = -7.93650757867487942473e-05 // 0xBF14CE199EAADBB7
19 expm1_q4 = 4.00821782732936239552e-06 // 0x3ED0CFCA86E65239
20 expm1_q5 = -2.01099218183624371326e-07 // 0xBE8AFDB76E09C32D
23// exp returns e**x, the base-e exponential of x.
25// special cases are:
26// exp(+inf) = +inf
27// exp(nan) = nan
28// Very large values overflow to 0 or +inf.
29// Very small values underflow to 1.
30pub fn exp(x f64) f64 {
31 log2e := 1.44269504088896338700e+00
32 overflow := 7.09782712893383973096e+02
33 underflow := -7.45133219101941108420e+02
34 near_zero := 1.0 / (1 << 28) // 2**-28
35 // special cases
36 if is_nan(x) || is_inf(x, 1) {
37 return x
38 }
39 if is_inf(x, -1) {
40 return 0.0
41 }
42 if x > overflow {
43 return inf(1)
44 }
45 if x < underflow {
46 return 0.0
47 }
48 if -near_zero < x && x < near_zero {
49 return 1.0 + x
50 }
51 // reduce; computed as r = hi - lo for extra precision.
52 mut k := 0
53 if x < 0 {
54 k = int(log2e * x - 0.5)
55 }
56 if x > 0 {
57 k = int(log2e * x + 0.5)
58 }
59 hi := x - f64(k) * math.ln2hi
60 lo := f64(k) * math.ln2lo
61 // compute
62 return expmulti(hi, lo, k)
65// exp2 returns 2**x, the base-2 exponential of x.
67// special cases are the same as exp.
68pub fn exp2(x f64) f64 {
69 overflow := 1.0239999999999999e+03
70 underflow := -1.0740e+03
71 if is_nan(x) || is_inf(x, 1) {
72 return x
73 }
74 if is_inf(x, -1) {
75 return 0
76 }
77 if x > overflow {
78 return inf(1)
79 }
80 if x < underflow {
81 return 0
82 }
83 // argument reduction; x = r×lg(e) + k with |r| ≤ ln(2)/2.
84 // computed as r = hi - lo for extra precision.
85 mut k := 0
86 if x > 0 {
87 k = int(x + 0.5)
88 }
89 if x < 0 {
90 k = int(x - 0.5)
91 }
92 mut t := x - f64(k)
93 hi := t * math.ln2hi
94 lo := -t * math.ln2lo
95 // compute
96 return expmulti(hi, lo, k)
99// ldexp calculates frac*(2**exp)
100pub fn ldexp(frac f64, exp int) f64 {
101 return scalbn(frac, exp)
104// frexp breaks f into a normalized fraction
105// and an integral power of two.
106// It returns frac and exp satisfying f == frac × 2**exp,
107// with the absolute value of frac in the interval [½, 1).
109// special cases are:
110// frexp(±0) = ±0, 0
111// frexp(±inf) = ±inf, 0
112// frexp(nan) = nan, 0
113// pub fn frexp(f f64) (f64, int) {
114// mut y := f64_bits(x)
115// ee := int((y >> 52) & 0x7ff)
116// // special cases
117// if ee == 0 {
118// if x != 0.0 {
119// x1p64 := f64_from_bits(0x43f0000000000000)
120// z,e_ := frexp(x * x1p64)
121// return z,e_ - 64
122// }
123// return x,0
124// } else if ee == 0x7ff {
125// return x,0
126// }
127// e_ := ee - 0x3fe
128// y &= 0x800fffffffffffff
129// y |= 0x3fe0000000000000
130// return f64_from_bits(y),e_
131pub fn frexp(x f64) (f64, int) {
132 mut y := f64_bits(x)
133 ee := int((y >> 52) & 0x7ff)
134 if ee == 0 {
135 if x != 0.0 {
136 x1p64 := f64_from_bits(u64(0x43f0000000000000))
137 z, e_ := frexp(x * x1p64)
138 return z, e_ - 64
139 }
140 return x, 0
141 } else if ee == 0x7ff {
142 return x, 0
143 }
144 e_ := ee - 0x3fe
145 y &= u64(0x800fffffffffffff)
146 y |= u64(0x3fe0000000000000)
147 return f64_from_bits(y), e_
150// expm1 calculates e**x - 1
151// special cases are:
152// expm1(+inf) = +inf
153// expm1(-inf) = -1
154// expm1(nan) = nan
155pub fn expm1(x f64) f64 {
156 if is_inf(x, 1) || is_nan(x) {
157 return x
158 }
159 if is_inf(x, -1) {
160 return f64(-1)
161 }
162 // FIXME: this should be improved
163 if abs(x) < ln2 { // Compute the taylor series S = x + (1/2!) x^2 + (1/3!) x^3 + ...
164 mut i := 1.0
165 mut sum := x
166 mut term := x / 1.0
167 i++
168 term *= x / f64(i)
169 sum += term
170 for abs(term) > abs(sum) * internal.f64_epsilon {
171 i++
172 term *= x / f64(i)
173 sum += term
174 }
175 return sum
176 } else {
177 return exp(x) - 1
178 }
181fn expmulti(hi f64, lo f64, k int) f64 {
182 exp_p1 := 1.66666666666666657415e-01 // 0x3FC55555; 0x55555555
183 exp_p2 := -2.77777777770155933842e-03 // 0xBF66C16C; 0x16BEBD93
184 exp_p3 := 6.61375632143793436117e-05 // 0x3F11566A; 0xAF25DE2C
185 exp_p4 := -1.65339022054652515390e-06 // 0xBEBBBD41; 0xC5D26BF1
186 exp_p5 := 4.13813679705723846039e-08 // 0x3E663769; 0x72BEA4D0
187 r := hi - lo
188 t := r * r
189 c := r - t * (exp_p1 + t * (exp_p2 + t * (exp_p3 + t * (exp_p4 + t * exp_p5))))
190 y := 1 - ((lo - (r * c) / (2 - c)) - hi)
191 // TODO(rsc): make sure ldexp can handle boundary k
192 return ldexp(y, k)