v / vlib / strconv
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1module strconv
5f32 to string
7Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved.
8Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
9that can be found in the LICENSE file.
11This file contains the f32 to string functions
13These functions are based on the work of:
14Publication:PLDI 2018: Proceedings of the 39th ACM SIGPLAN
15Conference on Programming Language Design and ImplementationJune 2018
16Pages 270–282 https://doi.org/10.1145/3192366.3192369
18inspired by the Go version here:
23// pow of ten table used by n_digit reduction
24const (
25 ten_pow_table_32 = [
26 u32(1),
27 u32(10),
28 u32(100),
29 u32(1000),
30 u32(10000),
31 u32(100000),
32 u32(1000000),
33 u32(10000000),
34 u32(100000000),
35 u32(1000000000),
36 u32(10000000000),
37 u32(100000000000),
38 ]!
42// Conversion Functions
44const (
45 mantbits32 = u32(23)
46 expbits32 = u32(8)
47 bias32 = 127 // f32 exponent bias
48 maxexp32 = 255
51// max 46 char
52// -3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38
54pub fn (d Dec32) get_string_32(neg bool, i_n_digit int, i_pad_digit int) string {
55 n_digit := i_n_digit + 1
56 pad_digit := i_pad_digit + 1
57 mut out := d.m
58 // mut out_len := decimal_len_32(out)
59 mut out_len := dec_digits(out)
60 out_len_original := out_len
62 mut fw_zeros := 0
63 if pad_digit > out_len {
64 fw_zeros = pad_digit - out_len
65 }
67 mut buf := []u8{len: int(out_len + 5 + 1 + 1)} // sign + mant_len + . + e + e_sign + exp_len(2) + \0}
68 mut i := 0
70 if neg {
71 if buf.data != 0 {
72 // The buf.data != 0 check here, is needed for clean compilation
73 // with `-cc gcc -cstrict -prod`. Without it, gcc produces:
74 // error: potential null pointer dereference
75 buf[i] = `-`
76 }
77 i++
78 }
80 mut disp := 0
81 if out_len <= 1 {
82 disp = 1
83 }
85 if n_digit < out_len {
86 // println("orig: ${out_len_original}")
87 out += strconv.ten_pow_table_32[out_len - n_digit - 1] * 5 // round to up
88 out /= strconv.ten_pow_table_32[out_len - n_digit]
89 out_len = n_digit
90 }
92 y := i + out_len
93 mut x := 0
94 for x < (out_len - disp - 1) {
95 buf[y - x] = `0` + u8(out % 10)
96 out /= 10
97 i++
98 x++
99 }
101 // no decimal digits needed, end here
102 if i_n_digit == 0 {
103 unsafe {
104 buf[i] = 0
105 return tos(&u8(&buf[0]), i)
106 }
107 }
109 if out_len >= 1 {
110 buf[y - x] = `.`
111 x++
112 i++
113 }
115 if y - x >= 0 {
116 buf[y - x] = `0` + u8(out % 10)
117 i++
118 }
120 for fw_zeros > 0 {
121 buf[i] = `0`
122 i++
123 fw_zeros--
124 }
126 buf[i] = `e`
127 i++
129 mut exp := d.e + out_len_original - 1
130 if exp < 0 {
131 buf[i] = `-`
132 i++
133 exp = -exp
134 } else {
135 buf[i] = `+`
136 i++
137 }
139 // Always print two digits to match strconv's formatting.
140 d1 := exp % 10
141 d0 := exp / 10
142 buf[i] = `0` + u8(d0)
143 i++
144 buf[i] = `0` + u8(d1)
145 i++
146 buf[i] = 0
148 return unsafe {
149 tos(&u8(&buf[0]), i)
150 }
153fn f32_to_decimal_exact_int(i_mant u32, exp u32) (Dec32, bool) {
154 mut d := Dec32{}
155 e := exp - strconv.bias32
156 if e > strconv.mantbits32 {
157 return d, false
158 }
159 shift := strconv.mantbits32 - e
160 mant := i_mant | 0x0080_0000 // implicit 1
161 // mant := i_mant | (1 << mantbits32) // implicit 1
162 d.m = mant >> shift
163 if (d.m << shift) != mant {
164 return d, false
165 }
166 for (d.m % 10) == 0 {
167 d.m /= 10
168 d.e++
169 }
170 return d, true
173fn f32_to_decimal(mant u32, exp u32) Dec32 {
174 mut e2 := 0
175 mut m2 := u32(0)
176 if exp == 0 {
177 // We subtract 2 so that the bounds computation has
178 // 2 additional bits.
179 e2 = 1 - strconv.bias32 - int(strconv.mantbits32) - 2
180 m2 = mant
181 } else {
182 e2 = int(exp) - strconv.bias32 - int(strconv.mantbits32) - 2
183 m2 = (u32(1) << strconv.mantbits32) | mant
184 }
185 even := (m2 & 1) == 0
186 accept_bounds := even
188 // Step 2: Determine the interval of valid decimal representations.
189 mv := u32(4 * m2)
190 mp := u32(4 * m2 + 2)
191 mm_shift := bool_to_u32(mant != 0 || exp <= 1)
192 mm := u32(4 * m2 - 1 - mm_shift)
194 mut vr := u32(0)
195 mut vp := u32(0)
196 mut vm := u32(0)
197 mut e10 := 0
198 mut vm_is_trailing_zeros := false
199 mut vr_is_trailing_zeros := false
200 mut last_removed_digit := u8(0)
202 if e2 >= 0 {
203 q := log10_pow2(e2)
204 e10 = int(q)
205 k := pow5_inv_num_bits_32 + pow5_bits(int(q)) - 1
206 i := -e2 + int(q) + k
208 vr = mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(mv, q, i)
209 vp = mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(mp, q, i)
210 vm = mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(mm, q, i)
211 if q != 0 && (vp - 1) / 10 <= vm / 10 {
212 // We need to know one removed digit even if we are not
213 // going to loop below. We could use q = X - 1 above,
214 // except that would require 33 bits for the result, and
215 // we've found that 32-bit arithmetic is faster even on
216 // 64-bit machines.
217 l := pow5_inv_num_bits_32 + pow5_bits(int(q - 1)) - 1
218 last_removed_digit = u8(mul_pow5_invdiv_pow2(mv, q - 1, -e2 + int(q - 1) + l) % 10)
219 }
220 if q <= 9 {
221 // The largest power of 5 that fits in 24 bits is 5^10,
222 // but q <= 9 seems to be safe as well. Only one of mp,
223 // mv, and mm can be a multiple of 5, if any.
224 if mv % 5 == 0 {
225 vr_is_trailing_zeros = multiple_of_power_of_five_32(mv, q)
226 } else if accept_bounds {
227 vm_is_trailing_zeros = multiple_of_power_of_five_32(mm, q)
228 } else if multiple_of_power_of_five_32(mp, q) {
229 vp--
230 }
231 }
232 } else {
233 q := log10_pow5(-e2)
234 e10 = int(q) + e2
235 i := -e2 - int(q)
236 k := pow5_bits(i) - pow5_num_bits_32
237 mut j := int(q) - k
238 vr = mul_pow5_div_pow2(mv, u32(i), j)
239 vp = mul_pow5_div_pow2(mp, u32(i), j)
240 vm = mul_pow5_div_pow2(mm, u32(i), j)
241 if q != 0 && ((vp - 1) / 10) <= vm / 10 {
242 j = int(q) - 1 - (pow5_bits(i + 1) - pow5_num_bits_32)
243 last_removed_digit = u8(mul_pow5_div_pow2(mv, u32(i + 1), j) % 10)
244 }
245 if q <= 1 {
246 // {vr,vp,vm} is trailing zeros if {mv,mp,mm} has at
247 // least q trailing 0 bits. mv = 4 * m2, so it always
248 // has at least two trailing 0 bits.
249 vr_is_trailing_zeros = true
250 if accept_bounds {
251 // mm = mv - 1 - mm_shift, so it has 1 trailing 0 bit
252 // if mm_shift == 1.
253 vm_is_trailing_zeros = mm_shift == 1
254 } else {
255 // mp = mv + 2, so it always has at least one
256 // trailing 0 bit.
257 vp--
258 }
259 } else if q < 31 {
260 vr_is_trailing_zeros = multiple_of_power_of_two_32(mv, q - 1)
261 }
262 }
264 // Step 4: Find the shortest decimal representation
265 // in the interval of valid representations.
266 mut removed := 0
267 mut out := u32(0)
268 if vm_is_trailing_zeros || vr_is_trailing_zeros {
269 // General case, which happens rarely (~4.0%).
270 for vp / 10 > vm / 10 {
271 vm_is_trailing_zeros = vm_is_trailing_zeros && (vm % 10) == 0
272 vr_is_trailing_zeros = vr_is_trailing_zeros && last_removed_digit == 0
273 last_removed_digit = u8(vr % 10)
274 vr /= 10
275 vp /= 10
276 vm /= 10
277 removed++
278 }
279 if vm_is_trailing_zeros {
280 for vm % 10 == 0 {
281 vr_is_trailing_zeros = vr_is_trailing_zeros && last_removed_digit == 0
282 last_removed_digit = u8(vr % 10)
283 vr /= 10
284 vp /= 10
285 vm /= 10
286 removed++
287 }
288 }
289 if vr_is_trailing_zeros && last_removed_digit == 5 && (vr % 2) == 0 {
290 // Round even if the exact number is .....50..0.
291 last_removed_digit = 4
292 }
293 out = vr
294 // We need to take vr + 1 if vr is outside bounds
295 // or we need to round up.
296 if (vr == vm && (!accept_bounds || !vm_is_trailing_zeros)) || last_removed_digit >= 5 {
297 out++
298 }
299 } else {
300 // Specialized for the common case (~96.0%). Percentages below
301 // are relative to this. Loop iterations below (approximately):
302 // 0: 13.6%, 1: 70.7%, 2: 14.1%, 3: 1.39%, 4: 0.14%, 5+: 0.01%
303 for vp / 10 > vm / 10 {
304 last_removed_digit = u8(vr % 10)
305 vr /= 10
306 vp /= 10
307 vm /= 10
308 removed++
309 }
310 // We need to take vr + 1 if vr is outside bounds
311 // or we need to round up.
312 out = vr + bool_to_u32(vr == vm || last_removed_digit >= 5)
313 }
315 return Dec32{
316 m: out
317 e: e10 + removed
318 }
322// String Functions
325// f32_to_str returns a `string` in scientific notation with max `n_digit` after the dot.
326pub fn f32_to_str(f f32, n_digit int) string {
327 mut u1 := Uf32{}
328 u1.f = f
329 u := unsafe { u1.u }
331 neg := (u >> (strconv.mantbits32 + strconv.expbits32)) != 0
332 mant := u & ((u32(1) << strconv.mantbits32) - u32(1))
333 exp := (u >> strconv.mantbits32) & ((u32(1) << strconv.expbits32) - u32(1))
335 // println("${neg} ${mant} e ${exp-bias32}")
337 // Exit early for easy cases.
338 if exp == strconv.maxexp32 || (exp == 0 && mant == 0) {
339 return get_string_special(neg, exp == 0, mant == 0)
340 }
342 mut d, ok := f32_to_decimal_exact_int(mant, exp)
343 if !ok {
344 // println("with exp form")
345 d = f32_to_decimal(mant, exp)
346 }
348 // println("${d.m} ${d.e}")
349 return d.get_string_32(neg, n_digit, 0)
352// f32_to_str_pad returns a `string` in scientific notation with max `n_digit` after the dot.
353pub fn f32_to_str_pad(f f32, n_digit int) string {
354 mut u1 := Uf32{}
355 u1.f = f
356 u := unsafe { u1.u }
358 neg := (u >> (strconv.mantbits32 + strconv.expbits32)) != 0
359 mant := u & ((u32(1) << strconv.mantbits32) - u32(1))
360 exp := (u >> strconv.mantbits32) & ((u32(1) << strconv.expbits32) - u32(1))
362 // println("${neg} ${mant} e ${exp-bias32}")
364 // Exit early for easy cases.
365 if exp == strconv.maxexp32 || (exp == 0 && mant == 0) {
366 return get_string_special(neg, exp == 0, mant == 0)
367 }
369 mut d, ok := f32_to_decimal_exact_int(mant, exp)
370 if !ok {
371 // println("with exp form")
372 d = f32_to_decimal(mant, exp)
373 }
375 // println("${d.m} ${d.e}")
376 return d.get_string_32(neg, n_digit, n_digit)